Multi-user Equipment: high speed video camera phantom V2012
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Multi-User Equipment approved in grant 16/09509-1: high speed video camera phantom V2012

Grant number: 19/08577-1
Support Opportunities:Multi-user Equipment Program
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Transport Phenomena
Principal Investigator:Gherhardt Ribatski
Grantee:Gherhardt Ribatski
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:16/09509-1 - Phase change heat transfer processes of high performance applied to solar energy recovery, AP.TEM
As informações de acesso ao Equipamento Multiusuário são de responsabilidade do Pesquisador responsável
EMU web page: Página do Equipamento Multiusuário não informada
Type of equipment:Caracterização e Análises de Amostras - Movimento - Video em alta velocidade
Manufacturer: Fabricante não informado
Model: Modelo não informado


It is a fact that the analyzes of flow images is necessary to study quantitatively and qualitatively two-phase flows. In this context, the general objective of the present proposal is the acquisition of a high-speed camera to study fundamentals and applications involving two-phase flows, focusing on processes involving liquid-vapor phase change. The specific objectives are the following: (1) Provide, through the combination of images from an infrared camera and a high-speed camera, simultaneous results of two-phase hydrodynamic and temperature distribution on the heated surface. These results would provide a better understanding of the physical phenomenon, providing data for the modeling of heat transfer mechanisms during convective boiling in microchannels; (2) Analyze mal distribution effects associated to thermal instabilities in heat spreaders based on flow boiling inside microchannels. Such results would provide new insights to minimize such effects and improve the cooling performance of these devices; (3) Perform studies of two-phase flow hydrodynamics in pulsed heat pipes. The knowledge of the hydrodynamic in these devices is fundamental to the development of mechanistic models; (4) Theoretical and experimental study of convective boiling and critical heat flux; (5) Evaluation of the flow pattern and the liquid film thickness for annular flow patterns. The knowledge of the film thickness and of its behavior is fundamental to the development of models for the heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop and critical heat flux for condensation / evaporation inside tubes; (6) Experimental and theoretical evaluation of the velocities flow field for external flows across tube banks through spatial filtering velocimetry. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME H. S.; MOREIRA, TIAGO AUGUSTO; AYUB, ZAHID H.; RIBATSKI, GHERHARDT. Flow boiling of hydrocarbons and their zeotropic binary mixtures under pre- and post-dryout conditions. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, v. 198, . (19/08577-1, 16/16849-3)
BAPTISTELLA, VICTOR EDUARDO CORTE; MOREIRA, TIAGO AUGUSTO; RIBATSKI, GHERHARDT. Liquid-film thickness during flow boiling of pure hydrocarbons and their mixtures. EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, v. 144, p. 17-pg., . (16/16849-3, 20/10923-2, 18/06057-8, 19/08577-1)
MOREIRA, TIAGO AUGUSTO; AYUB, ZAHID H.; RIBATSKI, GHERHARDT. Convective condensation of R600a, R290, R1270 and their zeotropic binary mixtures in horizontal tubes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID, v. 130, . (18/06057-8, 16/16849-3, 19/08577-1)
MOREIRA, TIAGO AUGUSTO; BAPTISTELLA, VICTOR EDUARDO CORTE; RIBATSKI, GHERHARDT. Liquid-film thickness, flow pattern, and void fraction of hydrocarbons and their zeotropic mixtures during convective condensation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, v. 159, p. 23-pg., . (16/16849-3, 20/10923-2, 18/06057-8, 19/08577-1)

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