Research Grants 18/15554-5 - Espalhamento de Thomson, Luz - BV FAPESP
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Transport and localization of light in two and three dimensions

Grant number: 18/15554-5
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants - Phase 2
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Atomic and Molecular Physics
Principal Investigator:Romain Pierre Marcel Bachelard
Grantee:Romain Pierre Marcel Bachelard
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:14/01491-0 - Atomic clouds under stress, AP.JP
Associated research grant(s):23/01213-0 - Few-photon localization in disordered atomic clouds, AP.R
23/07100-2 - Light Statistics and Interference from Two-Level Emitters, AP.R SPRINT
19/12842-2 - Cooperative stochastic heating and optical binding with cold atoms, AP.R SPRINT
Associated scholarship(s):22/12382-4 - Localization in superconducting circuits, BP.DD
22/13797-3 - One-dimensional localization of light in presence of interactions, BP.IC
21/04861-7 - Atom-induced nonlinear photonic interactions, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 21/08175-0 - Light statistics of super-and subradiant light in cold atomic clouds, BP.IC
21/04564-2 - Generation of bundles of photons in disordered atomic clouds, BP.IC
21/06394-7 - Localization of light in optical lattices with diagonal disorder, BP.IC
21/05795-8 - Generation of chaotic light from a disordered cloud of static atoms, BP.IC
21/02673-9 - Localization and correlations for light in two dimensions, BP.DD
20/14519-1 - Law of transport for photons in 2D atomic clouds, BP.IC
20/05057-4 - Many-body localization of photons in the weak interaction regime, BP.PD
19/22685-1 - Memory effect and the transition from weak to strong disorder, BP.PD
19/22225-0 - Localization on hypersurfaces and coherent forward scattering, BP.DD
19/17345-7 - Many-body localization of photons in the weak interaction regime, BP.PD
17/09390-7 - Entanglement and blockade effects in ultracold atomic clouds, BP.PD - associated scholarships


This project aims at investigating light scattering in two and three dimensions, with a focus on the transition to the Anderson localization regime. Over the past few years, the existence of such a localization phenomenon has been intensely debated, with experimental results being reinterpreted and previous claims retracted, whereas theoretical results suggested the vectorial nature of light may prevent localization. This project is dedicated to theoretical and numerical studies of the 2D and 3D situations, where the scalar versus vectorial nature of light waves can be compared at length, in order to identify clear signatures of a possible localization transition. It also contains an experimental component, where a proposal of 2D waveguide (thin layer) with disorder is planned, which could allow to test, for the first time, the role of polarization in the localization transition for light. (AU)

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Scientific publications (26)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CIPRIS, ANA; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; KAISER, ROBIN; GUERIN, WILLIAM. van der Waals dephasing for Dicke subradiance in cold atomic clouds. Physical Review A, v. 103, n. 3, . (18/15554-5, 18/01447-2)
SANTOS, ALAN C.; VILLAS-BOAS, C. J.; BACHELARD, R.. Quantum adiabatic brachistochrone for open systems. Physical Review A, v. 103, n. 1, . (19/11999-5, 19/22685-1, 18/15554-5)
MAXIMO, CARLOS E.; MOREIRA, NOEL A.; KAISER, ROBIN; BACHELARD, ROMAIN. Anderson localization of light in dimension d-1. Physical Review A, v. 100, n. 6, . (18/01447-2, 18/15554-5, 17/13250-6)
GISBERT, ANGEL T.; PIOVELLA, NICOLA; BACHELARD, ROMAIN. Cooperative cooling in a one-dimensional chain of optically bound cold atoms. Physical Review A, v. 102, n. 1, . (18/01447-2, 18/15554-5, 19/12842-2)
SANTOS, ALAN C.; CIDRIM, ANDRE; VILLAS-BOAS, CELSO JORGE; KAISER, ROBIN; BACHELARD, ROMAIN. Generating long-lived entangled states with free-space collective spontaneous emission. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 105, n. 5, p. 6-pg., . (18/15554-5, 19/22685-1, 19/13143-0, 21/10224-0, 17/09390-7, 19/11999-5)
GUERIN, W.; DO ESPIRITO SANTO, T. S.; WEISS, P.; CIPRIS, A.; SCHACHENMAYER, J.; KAISER, R.; BACHELARD, R.. Collective Multimode Vacuum Rabi Splitting. Physical Review Letters, v. 123, n. 24, . (13/07375-0, 18/15554-5, 18/12653-2, 18/01447-2, 19/02071-9)
BOJER, MANUEL; GOETZENDOERFER, LUKAS; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; VON ZANTHIER, JOACHIM. Engineering of spontaneous emission in free space via conditional measurements. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 4, n. 4, p. 6-pg., . (18/15554-5, 19/13143-0)
CIPRIS, ANA; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; KAISER, ROBIN; GUERIN, WILLIAM. van der Waals dephasing for Dicke subradiance in cold atomic clouds. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 103, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (18/01447-2, 18/15554-5)
FERREIRA, DILLEYS; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; GUERIN, WILLIAM; KAISER, ROBIN; FOUCHE, MATHILDE. Connecting field and intensity correlations: The Siegert relation and how to test it. American Journal of Physics, v. 88, n. 10, p. 7-pg., . (18/01447-2, 19/13143-0, 18/15554-5)
SANTOS, ALAN C.; BACHELARD, R.. Generation of Maximally Entangled Long-Lived States with Giant Atoms in a Waveguide. Physical Review Letters, v. 130, n. 5, p. 6-pg., . (19/13143-0, 21/10224-0, 19/22685-1, 18/15554-5)
GISBERT, ANGEL T.; PIOVELLA, NICOLA; BACHELARD, ROMAIN. Cooperative cooling in a one-dimensional chain of optically bound cold atoms. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 102, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (18/01447-2, 18/15554-5, 19/12842-2)
MAXIMO, CARLOS E.; MOREIRA, NOEL A.; KAISER, ROBIN; BACHELARD, ROMAIN. Anderson localization of light in dimension d-1. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 100, n. 6, p. 5-pg., . (18/01447-2, 18/15554-5, 17/13250-6)
OLIVEIRA, MURILO H.; HIGGINS, GERARD; ZHANG, CHI; PREDOJEVIC, ANA; HENNRICH, MARKUS; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; VILLAS-BOAS, CELSO J.. Steady-state entanglement generation for nondegenerate qubits. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 107, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (19/13143-0, 19/11999-5, 20/00725-9, 18/15554-5)
CIDRIM, A.; DO ESPIRITO SANTO, T. S.; SCHACHENMAYER, J.; KAISER, R.; BACHELARD, R.. Photon Blockade with Ground-State Neutral Atoms. Physical Review Letters, v. 125, n. 7, . (17/09390-7, 18/15554-5, 18/12653-2, 18/01447-2, 19/13143-0)
DARSHESHDAR, ELNAZ; HUGBART, MATHILDE; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; VILLAS-BOAS, CELSO JORGE. Photon-photon correlations from a pair of strongly coupled two-level emitters. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 103, n. 5, p. 9-pg., . (18/15554-5, 18/01447-2, 19/13143-0, 18/10813-2, 19/11999-5)
CIPRIS, A.; MOREIRA, N. A.; DO ESPIRITO SANTO, T. S.; WEISS, P.; VILLAS-BOAS, C. J.; KAISER, R.; GUERIN, W.; BACHELARD, R.. Subradiance with Saturated Atoms: Population Enhancement of the Long-Lived States. Physical Review Letters, v. 126, n. 10, . (19/02071-9, 19/13143-0, 18/15554-5, 18/12653-2, 18/01447-2, 19/11999-5)
HU, CHANG-KANG; QIU, JIAWEI; SOUZA, PAULO J. P.; YUAN, JIAHAO; ZHOU, YUXUAN; ZHANG, LIBO; CHU, JI; PAN, XIANCHUANG; HU, LING; LI, JIAN; et al. Optimal charging of a superconducting quantum battery. QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 7, n. 4, p. 15-pg., . (18/15554-5, 21/10224-0, 19/13143-0, 19/22685-1, 19/11999-5)
DO ESPIRITO SANTO, T. S.; WEISS, P.; CIPRIS, A.; KAISER, R.; GUERIN, W.; BACHELARD, R.; SCHACHENMAYER, J.. Collective excitation dynamics of a cold atom cloud. Physical Review A, v. 101, n. 1, . (18/01447-2, 17/10294-2, 18/15554-5, 13/07375-0, 19/02071-9)
ARRUDA, TIAGO J.; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; WEINER, JOHN; SLAMA, SEBASTIAN; COURTEILLE, PHILIPPE W.. Controlling photon bunching and antibunching of two quantum emitters near a core-shell sphere. Physical Review A, v. 101, n. 2, . (13/04162-5, 15/21194-3, 18/15554-5)
CRUZ, CLEBSON; ANKA, MARON F.; REIS, MARIO S.; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; SANTOS, ALAN C.. Quantum battery based on quantum discord at room temperature. QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 7, n. 2, p. 15-pg., . (19/13143-0, 18/15554-5, 19/22685-1)
CIDRIM, A.; ORIOLI, A. PINEIRO; SANNER, C.; HUTSON, R. B.; YE, J.; BACHELARD, R.; REY, A. M.. Dipole-Dipole Frequency Shifts in Multilevel Atoms. Physical Review Letters, v. 127, n. 1, . (18/15554-5, 18/18353-0, 19/13143-0, 17/09390-7)
LASSEGUES, PIERRE; BISCASSI, MATEUS ANTONIO FERNANDES; MORISSE, MARTIAL; CIDRIM, ANDRE; MATTHEWS, NOLAN; LABEYRIE, GUILLAUME; RIVET, JEAN-PIERRE; VAKILI, FARROKH; KAISER, ROBIN; GUERIN, WILLIAM; et al. Field and intensity correlations: the Siegert relation from stars to quantum emitters. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, v. 76, n. 12, p. 12-pg., . (18/15554-5, 19/13143-0, 17/09390-7)
PIOVELLA, N.; ROBB, G. R. M.; BACHELARD, R.. Superradiant transfer of quantized orbital angular momentum between light and atoms in a ring trap. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 106, n. 1, p. 5-pg., . (18/15554-5, 19/13143-0, 19/12842-2)
SANTOS, ALAN C.; VILLAS-BOAS, C. J.; BACHELARD, R.. Quantum adiabatic brachistochrone for open systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 103, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (19/11999-5, 19/22685-1, 18/15554-5)
DO ESPIRITO SANTO, T. S.; WEISS, P.; CIPRIS, A.; KAISER, R.; GUERIN, W.; BACHELARD, R.; SCHACHENMAYER, J.. Collective excitation dynamics of a cold atom cloud. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 101, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (17/10294-2, 19/02071-9, 13/07375-0, 18/15554-5, 18/01447-2)
ARRUDA, TIAGO J.; BACHELARD, ROMAIN; WEINER, JOHN; SLAMA, SEBASTIAN; COURTEILLE, PHILIPPE W.. Controlling photon bunching and antibunching of two quantum emitters near a core-shell sphere. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 101, n. 2, p. 15-pg., . (15/21194-3, 13/04162-5, 18/15554-5)

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