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Beef quality in Bos indicus cattle: biological markers for meat attributes in different ultimate pH ranges

Grant number: 17/26667-2
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: May 01, 2019 - April 30, 2025
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Animal Husbandry
Principal Investigator:Carmen Josefina Contreras Castillo
Grantee:Carmen Josefina Contreras Castillo
Host Institution: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Piracicaba , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Anderson de Souza Sant'Ana ; Júlio Cesar de Carvalho Balieiro
Associated researchers:Alessandra Fernandes Rosa ; Anna Cecilia Venturini ; Daniel Silva Antonelo ; Eduardo Eugênio Spers ; Eduardo Francisquine Delgado ; Jair Sebastiao da Silva Pinto ; Jorge Herman Behrens ; Patricia Maloso Ramos ; Sérgio Bertelli Pflanzer Júnior ; Taciana Villela Savian
Associated scholarship(s):24/16660-4 - Effect of the final pH of beef, matured for different times, on the profile of volatile compounds after cooking, BP.TT
24/14102-4 - Development of noodles enriched with beef myofibrillar protein with intermediate pH, BP.IC
23/09251-8 - The influence of the final pH on the color and tenderness of beef after a prolonged period of storage, BP.TT
+ associated scholarships 23/02926-0 - Effect of the final pH of bovine meat, matured at different times, on the volatile profile after cooking, BP.TT
23/04269-6 - Execution of methodologies for determination of collagen fractions, for semi-purification of muscle proteases by liquid chromatography, and for zimmography with calpain, BP.TT
23/02590-1 - Beef quality in Bos indicus cattle: biological markers for meat attributes in diferent ultimate pH ranges, BP.PD
21/10817-0 - Lactic acid spray (INS 270) in bovine carcasses and its influence on microbial population dynamics, volatilome and shelf life of chilled vacuum-packed sirloin, BP.PD
22/12972-6 - Muscle glycogen and collagen solubility in final pH ranges, with an approach to technical-scientific dissemination of the impacts of natural acidification on beef quality., BP.IC
22/05092-0 - Characterization of the mitochondrial proteome of Longissimus lumborum muscles of Nellore cattle with different final pH ranges and packaged in modified atmosphere, BP.DD
21/08292-7 - Meat omics: microbiota and shelf life of bovine vacuum-packed sirloin, BP.PD
20/14631-6 - NewTecMeat: emerging non-thermal technologies applied pre- and post-packaging to extend the shelf life of vacuum-packed beef during storage, BP.PD
19/26026-2 - Influence of ultimate pH on the physicochemical and biochemists parameters associated tenderness of the meat of Bos indicus cattle, BP.DR
19/18346-7 - Beef quality in Bos indicus cattle - biological markers for meat attributes in different ultimate pH ranges, BP.PD
19/20287-9 - Study of spoilage microbiota and shelf-life of primary cuts of meat by metagenomic and predictive modeling tools, BP.PD
19/13972-7 - Quality of meat in Bos indicus: biological markers for attributes of the meat product in different ranges of final pH, BP.DD - associated scholarships


The world beef production chain has been directed to explore consumer demands, which are increasingly requiring product quality, variety, and safety. In this scenario, the Brazilian beef production has a challenge in focusing on competitivity and modernity, using technology as a way that leads to sustainability, ethics, and profit. However, there is a lack of information about the quality standards and critical points based on categories formed by the product characteristics originated from the Brazilian beef production. The study of those characteristics will allow development of alternatives to mitigate quality problems in the production and product, as well as identification of limitations in the production systems. The general objectives are: physical-chemical and microbiological characterization based on variation in a primary meat quality attribute, represented by different ultimate pH ranges, determined in the Longissimus dorsi at 48 hours post-mortem. Samples from the different pH ranges (normal, intermediate and high) will be characterized by determination of: muscle glycogen and mitochondrial energy metabolism, water holding capacity, shear force, proteolytic processes, proteome, color and pigment state, protein and lipid oxidation and anti-oxidants enzyme activities, impact of succinate injection and packaging under modified atmosphere, as well as consumer based sensory and marketing analyses. Furthermore, Longissimus dorsi, Psoas major and Gluteus medius will be sampled to determine volatile compounds, fatty acid profile, as well as for microbiological to verify off-flavor perception. The L. dorsi will be used for sensory analyses. The information will be useful for designing decision making models about meat quality programs associated with productive efficiency, with the emphasis on decreasing losses and, increased safety and added-value. The project allows the improvement of methods and techniques for the prediction of meat quality, as well as, the formation of research is an area and training of an interdisciplinary research group focused on the production of beef. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (13)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
RIOS-MERA, JUAN D.; SALDANA, ERICK; PATINHO, ILIANI; SELANI, MIRIAM M.; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN J.. nrichment of NaCl-reduced burger with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids: Effects on physicochemical, technological, nutritional, and sensory characteristic. MEAT SCIENCE, v. 177, . (19/26026-2, 17/26667-2)
BARON, CLARA LUCIA CONTRERAS; DOS SANTOS-DONADO, PRISCILA ROBERTINA; RAMOS, PATRICIA MALOSO; DONADO-PESTANA, CARLOS M.; DELGADO, EDUARDO FRANCISQUINE; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN J.. Influence of ultimate pH on biochemistry and quality of Longissimus lumborum steaks from Nellore bulls during ageing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 56, n. 7, SI, p. 3333-3343, . (17/26667-2, 19/18346-7)
DOS SANTOS-DONADO, PRISCILA R.; DONADO-PESTANA, CARLOS M.; TANAKA, FRANCISCO A. OSSAMU; VENTURINI, ANNA C.; DELGADO, EDUARDO FRANCISQUINE; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN J.. Effects of high-oxygen, carbon monoxide modified atmospheres and vacuum packaging on quality of Longissimus thoracis et lumborum steaks from Nellore cows during ageing. Food Research International, v. 143, . (10/08182-2, 20/16542-0, 09/13559-0, 17/26667-2, 19/18346-7)
DE SOUSA RIBEIRO, CAIO CESAR; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN JOSEFINA; DOS SANTOS-DONADO, PRISCILA ROBERTINA; VENTURINI, ANNA CECILIA. New alternatives for improving and assessing the color of dark-cutting beef - a review. Scientia Agricola, v. 79, n. 1, . (19/18346-7, 17/26667-2)
MARTINS, MARIANA MARINHO; SALDANA, ERICK; BORTOLUZZI TEIXEIRA, ANA CLARA; SELANI, MIRIAM MABEL; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN J.. Going beyond sensory and hedonic aspects: A Brazilian study of emotions evoked by beef in different contexts. MEAT SCIENCE, v. 180, . (17/26667-2)
ANTONELO, DANIEL S.; DOS SANTOS-DONADO, PRISCILA R.; FERREIRA, CHRISTINA R.; COLNAGO, LUIZ A.; OCAMPOS, FERNANDA M. M.; RIBEIRO, GABRIEL H.; V. VENTURA, RICARDO; GERRARD, DAVID E.; DELGADO, EDUARDO F.; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN J.; et al. Exploratory lipidome and metabolome profiling contributes to understanding differences in high and normal ultimate pH beef. MEAT SCIENCE, v. 194, p. 11-pg., . (19/18346-7, 17/26667-2, 18/26378-3)
CAIO CÉSAR DE SOUSA RIBEIRO; CARMEN JOSEFINA CONTRERAS-CASTILLO; PRISCILA ROBERTINA DOS SANTOS-DONADO; ANNA CECILIA VENTURINI. New alternatives for improving and assessing the color of dark–cutting beef – a review. Scientia Agricola, v. 79, n. 1, . (19/18346-7, 17/26667-2)
PATINHO, ILIANI; SALDANA, ERICK; SELANI, MIRIAM MABEL; BORTOLUZZI TEIXEIRA, ANA CLARA; MENEGALI, BEATRIZ SCHMIDT; MERLO, THAIS CARDOSO; DARIO RIOS-MERA, JUAN; DARGELIO, MARIANA D. B.; RODRIGUES, HEBER; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN J.. Original burger (traditional) or burger with mushroom addition? A social representation approach to novel foods. Food Research International, v. 147, . (19/26026-2, 17/26667-2)
ANTONELO, DANIEL S.; GOMEZ, JUAN F. M.; SILVA, SAULO L.; BELINE, MARIANE; ZHANG, XUE; WANG, YIFEI; PAVAN, BRUNA; KOULICOFF, LARISSA A.; ROSA, ALESSANDRA F.; GOULART, RODRIGO S.; et al. Proteome basis for the biological variations in color and tenderness of longissimus thoracis muscle from beef cattle differing in growth rate and feeding regime. Food Research International, v. 153, p. 10-pg., . (18/01479-1, 19/08352-0, 17/26667-2, 19/08351-3, 18/26378-3)
MALHEIROS, BRUNA ALVES; SPERS, EDUARDO EUGENIO; RIBEIRO DA SILVA, HERMES MORETTI; CONTRERAS CASTILLO, CARMEN JOSEFINA. Southeast Brazilian Consumers' Involvement and Willingness to Pay for Quality Cues in Fresh and Cooked Beef. JOURNAL OF FOOD PRODUCTS MARKETING, v. 28, n. 6, p. 18-pg., . (19/13972-7, 17/26667-2)
RIOS-MERA, JUAN D.; SALDANA, ERICK; PATINHO, ILIANI; SELANI, MIRIAM M.; CONTRERAS-CASTILLO, CARMEN J.. Enrichment of NaCl-reduced burger with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids: Effects on physicochemical, technological, nutritional, and sensory characteristics. MEAT SCIENCE, v. 177, p. 13-pg., . (17/26667-2, 19/26026-2)
RODRIGUEZ-CATURLA, MAGDEVIS Y.; GARRE, ALBERTO; CASTILLO, CARMEN JOSEFINA CONTRERAS; ZWIETERING, MARCEL H.; DEN BESTEN, HEIDY M. W.; ST ANA, ANDERSON S.. Shelf life estimation of refrigerated vacuum packed beef accounting for uncertainty. International Journal of Food Microbiology, v. 405, p. 13-pg., . (17/26667-2, 14/25028-8, 19/20287-9, 17/03902-6)

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