Research Grants 18/21792-6 - Imunologia, Isótopos estáveis - BV FAPESP
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Microencapsulated sodium butyrate in broiler diets challenged with Eimeria spp.


The aim of this study will be to evaluate the effect of the microencapsulated sodium butyrate (MSB) on the replacement of antibiotics on performance, immune system, intestinal mucosa turnover rate, morphometry and lesion scores of the small intestine, oocyst count in the excreta, and characterize specific bacterial groups present in the intestinal mucosa of broilers challenged with with Eimeria spp. For this, two experiments will be conducted, wherein the 1st will be housed 1,050 male chicks, distributed in a completely randomized design with six treatments: T1- negative control - basal diet without antibiotic (BD) (unchallenged birds); T2- negative control - BD (challenged birds); T3- positive control - BD with inclusion of antibiotic (challenged birds); T4-BD with inclusion of 0.10% MSB (challenged birds); T5-BD with inclusion of 0.15% MSB (challenged birds); T6-BD with inclusion of 0.20% MSB (challenged birds), with five replicates. At 16 days of age, challenged birds will be inoculated orally and individually with Eimerias spp. oocysts and unchallenged birds will be inoculated with saline solution, to also undergo the inoculation stress. Performance data will be collected for the cumulative periods 1 to 21 and 1 to 42 days of age. At 14, 21 and 42 days of age, lesion scores in the small intestine of 10 chickens/treatment will be evaluated and then the intestinal microbiota analyzis will be performed by DGGE and RT-PCR technique and 3mL of blood will be collected for the accomplishment of the immunological analyzes. In the 2nd experiment will be housed 1,200 male chicks, distributed in completely randomized design, with five treatments: basal diet (BD); BD + antibiotic; BD + 0.10% MSB; BD + 0.15% MSB; BD + 0.20% MSB, with six replicates. To evaluate the turnover rate, the birds will receive rice-based diets (C3) and samples of intestinal mucosa will be collected at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 14 and 21 days of age. At 16 days the birds of all treatments will be inoculated with Eimerias oocysts and, after 21 days, to evaluate the turnover rate after challenge, the birds will receive corn-based diets (C4), being collected intestinal mucosa samples at 21.5; 22; 24; 28; 35 and 42 days of age. These samples will be analyzed isotopically by mass spectrometry before and after challenge. For the morphometric analyzes, at 14, 21 and 42 days of age, segments of the duodenum and jejunum will be collected. At 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 19 days after inoculation, lesion scores of the small intestine will be assessed. Before inoculation and at 4, 5, 6 and 7 days after inoculation, excreta samples from each experimental unit for oocyst counts will be collected in both experiments. Data will be submitted to ANOVA by the GLM procedure and, when there is a significant effect, the means will be compared through the Tukey test with 5% significance. The analysis of turnover of the intestinal mucosa will be performed by the exponential regression method. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VENTURA, G.; LIMA, G. A.; BARBOSA, B. F. S.; POLYCARPO, G. V.; DENADAI, J. C.; COSTA, V. E.; MADEIRA, A. M. B. N.; MALHEIROS, R. D.; CRUZ-POLYCARPO, V. C.. Microencapsulated and uncoated butyric acid as alternative additives to the regeneration of intestinal mucosa in broilers challenged with Eimeria spp.. BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE, v. 62, n. 5, p. 717-725, . (18/22986-9, 17/11745-8, 18/21792-6)
VENTURA, G.; LIMA, G. A.; BARBOSA, B. F. S.; POLYCARPO, G. V.; DENADAI, J. C.; COSTA, V. E.; MADEIRA, A. M. B. N.; MALHEIROS, R. D.; CRUZ-POLYCARPO, V. C.. Microencapsulated and uncoated butyric acid as alternative additives to the regeneration of intestinal mucosa in broilers challenged with Eimeria spp.. BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE, . (17/11745-8, 18/21792-6, 18/22986-9)
DE LIMA, GABRIELI ANDRESSA; BARBOSA, BARBARA FERNANDA DA SILVA; VENTURA, GABRIELA; GONCALVES, IZABELA MLAKER; COSTA, VLADIMIR ELIODORO; POLYCARPO, GUSTAVO DO VALLE; MADEIRA, ALDA MARIA BACKX NORONHA; CRUZ-POLYCARP, VALQUIRIA CACAO. Microencapsulated sodium butyrate on the intestinal integrity of broilers challenged with Eimeria spp.. LIVESTOCK SCIENCE, v. 270, p. 8-pg., . (18/10672-0, 18/21792-6, 20/01753-6)

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