Research Grants 18/09623-4 - Helminthes, Taxonomia - BV FAPESP
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Brazil presents one of the richness fauna in the world, being the first in the rank of amphibian biodiversity and the third in the rank of reptile biodiversity. Although many studies address the diversity of parasites in animals from the Neotropical region, some may present misidentifications of taxa. The objectives of this project are to identify and characterize the hemoparasites and helminths biodiversity in amphibians and reptiles from the biomes Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, and the Floodplains (Pantanal), which are considered the main biomes in biodiversity for these animals. The study will be conducted in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul states, where the animals will be captured. Samples of blood and tissues (spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, and lungs) will be collected for hemoparasites detection and analyses, and all organs will be observed for the presence of helminths. In addition, the ectoparasites found on the animals will be collected, identified and, if possible, related as hemoparasites vectors. The identification of amphibians and reptiles parasites (hemoparasites and helminths) will help future studies on biology and its influence on the health, ecology, and reproduction of these animals in nature. (AU)

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Scientific publications (16)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; NETHERLANDS, EDWARD C.; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. escription of a New Species Hepatozoon quagliattus sp. nov. (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina: Hepatozoidae), infecting the Sleep Snake, Dipsas mikanii (Squamata: Colubridae: Dipsadinae) from Goias State, Brazi. ACTA PARASITOLOGICA, v. 66, n. 3, p. 871-880, . (18/09623-4, 18/00754-9)
MULLER, MARIA ISABEL; EMMERICH, ENZO; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; EBERT, MARIANA BERTHOLDI; MORAIS, DRAUSIO HONORIO; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. First molecular assessment of two digenean parasites of the lancehead snake Bothrops moojeni Hoge, 1966 (Serpentes, Viperidae) in Brazil. Parasitology Research, v. 120, n. 3, . (18/09623-4, 18/00754-9, 17/16546-3)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; VIEIRA, DIEGO HENRIQUE MIRANDOLA DIAS; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ QUAGLIATTO; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. Description of a new species of myxobolid parasite, Henneguya pindaibensis n. sp. (Cnidaria: Myxosporea), infecting the gills of Boulengerella cuvieri (Spix and Agassiz, 1829) from Brazil. Parasitology International, v. 83, . (18/00754-9, 18/09623-4, 19/19060-0)
DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; FERREIRA-SILVA, CRISTIANA; EMMERICH, ENZO; DA SILVA PINHEIRO, RAUL HENRIQUE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Rhabdochona fuscovaria sp. n. (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae) from the stomach of frog Scinax fuscovarius (Anura: Hylidae) in Brazil. Zootaxa, v. 5067, n. 4, p. 569-584, . (18/09623-4)
MIRANDOLA DIAS VIEIRA, DIEGO HENRIQUE; UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; QUAGLIATTO SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Description of Cystodiscus elachistocleis sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Myxosporea) parasitizing the gallbladder of Elachistocleis cesarii from Brazil, based on morphological and molecular analyses. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TAXONOMY, v. 775, p. 107-118, . (19/19060-0, 18/00754-9, 18/09623-4)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; NETHERLANDS, EDWARD CHARLES; QUAGLIATTO SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. A new species, Dactylosoma piperis n. sp. (Apicomplexa, Dactylosomatidae), from the pepper frog Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from Mato Grosso State, Brazil.. PARASITE, v. 27, . (18/00754-9, 18/09623-4)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; NETHERLANDS, EDWARD C.; QUAGLIATTO SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. New insights on the diversity of Brazilian anuran blood parasites: With the description of three new species of Hepatozoon (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoidae) from Leptodactylidae anurans. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY-PARASITES AND WILDLIFE, v. 14, p. 190-201, . (18/00754-9, 18/09623-4)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; QUAGLIATTO SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. Hemogregarine Diversity Infecting Brazilian Turtles with a Description of Six New Species of Haemogregarina (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina: Haemogregarinidae). DIVERSITY-BASEL, v. 15, n. 2, p. 26-pg., . (18/09623-4, 20/05412-9, 18/00754-9, 19/25223-9)
L. P. ÚNGARI; E. C. NETHERLANDS; A. L. Q. SANTOS; L. A. VIANA; R. J. DA SILVA; L. H. ODWYER. Há somente uma espécie de Hepatozoon infectando caimans brasileiros? Taxonomia integrativa desvendando essa diversidade parasitária. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 84, . (18/00754-9, 18/09623-4, 23/07336-6)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; NETHERLANDS, EDWARD C.; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. Description of a New Species Hepatozoon quagliattus sp. nov. (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina: Hepatozoidae), infecting the Sleep Snake, Dipsas mikanii (Squamata: Colubridae: Dipsadinae) from Goias State, Brazil. ACTA PARASITOLOGICA, . (18/00754-9, 18/09623-4)
UNGARI, L. P.; VIEIRA, D. H. M. D.; SANTOS, A. L. Q.; DA SILVA, R. J.; O'DWYER, L. H.. Myxobolus spp. (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) no sangue circulante de peixes dos estados de Goiás e Mato Grosso, Brasil: relato de caso. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 82, . (18/00754-9, 18/09623-4, 19/19060-0)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; NETHERLANDS, EDWARD C.; SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ QUAGLIATTO; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. Diversity of haemogregarine parasites infecting Brazilian snakes from the Midwest and Southeast regions with a description of two new species of Hepatozoon (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina: Hepatozoidae). Parasitology International, v. 89, p. 11-pg., . (18/09623-4, 18/00754-9)
UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; NETHERLANDS, EDWARD CHARLES; QUAGLIATTO SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ; DE ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; EMMERICH, ENZO; DA SILVA, REINALDO JOSE; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA. Diversity of Haemogregarine Parasites Infecting Brazilian Anurans, with a Description of New Species of Dactylosoma (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina: Dactylosomatidae). ACTA PARASITOLOGICA, v. 67, n. 4, p. 16-pg., . (18/09623-4, 18/00754-9)
E. P. ALCANTARA; L. P. ÚNGARI; M. I. MÜLLER; C. FERREIRA-SILVA; E. EMMERICH; L. H. O'DWYER; R. J. SILVA. Posição filogenética de Gorgoderina parvicava Travassos, 1922 (Digenea: Gorgoderidae), parasita de Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Leptodactylidae) no Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 82, . (17/16546-3, 19/25223-9, 18/09623-4)
ALCANTARA, E. P.; EBERT, M. B.; MULLER, M., I; UNGARI, L. P.; FERREIRA-SILVA, C.; EMMERICH, E.; SANTOS, A. L. Q.; O'DWYER, L. H.; DA SILVA, R. J.. First molecular assessment on Cosmocerca spp. from Brazilian anurans and description of a new species of Cosmocerca (Ascaridomorpha: Cosmocercoidea) from the white-spotted humming frog Chiasmocleis albopunctata (Boettger, 1885) (Anura: Microhylidae). JOURNAL OF HELMINTHOLOGY, v. 96, p. 8-pg., . (17/16546-3, 18/09623-4)
ALCANTARA, EDNA PAULINO; MUELLER, MARIA ISABEL; UNGARI, LETICIA PEREIRA; FERREIRA-SILVA, CRISTIANA; EMMERICH, ENZO; GIESE, ELANE GUERREIRO; MORAIS, DRAUSIO HONORIO; SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ QUAGLIATTO; O'DWYER, LUCIA HELENA; SILVA, REINALDO JOSE. Integrative taxonomy in the genus Rhabdias Stiles et Hassall, 1905 from anuran in Brazil, description of two new species and phylogenetic analyses. Parasitology International, v. 93, p. 12-pg., . (18/09623-4, 17/16546-3)

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