Research Grants 17/18208-8 - Economia, Energia - BV FAPESP
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Transitions in energy history: development and new perspectives about the natural gas in Brazil


Brazil has gone through several transitions related to energetic issues that go from the creation of public and energetic policies, of process of territorial recognition and natural resources, the government and private initiatives, to the social, environmental and economic impact that these transitions generate. From this perspective, History of Energy allows us to incorporate energy not only as something natural, but to stimulate us to think about its processes, mechanisms, effects or even environmental changes occasioned by its uses. Therefore, the goal is to study Brazil through its innumerous energetic transitions, having as focus the natural gas, associated with projects from Energy Policies and Economic Programme from Research Centre for Gas Innovation (RCGI-USP), or, in other words, apply the theory in practice. In other words, it will be possible to apply the theory in practice on the basis of natural gas. Thus, from an investigative way derived from the data analysis (historical and current), we turn our attention to the applicability and uses of natural gas in the energy system in the country, impacts on the environment and economy, considering the historical context, which allows the diagnosis of investments and the use and use of natural gas in Brazil. Exploring yet technical, economic, social and environmental conditions that make natural gas a viable solution, for example, for the more sustainable transport systems (focus on project 25 - RCGI). Putting thus, at issue, what we denominate of energy transition, like one of the main paradigms in discourse of public policies and governmental and private strategies related to the energy. Therefore, it is necessary to return to primary, secondary and current sources which can demonstrate the research and the use of energy more efficiently, allowing social, political and economic development to be thought along with new perspectives in the short and long term. (AU)

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Scientific publications (15)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RELVA, STEFANIA GOMES; DA SILVA, VINICIUS OLIVEIRA; VEIGA GIMENES, ANDRE LUIZ; UDAETA, MIGUEL EDGAR MORALES; ASHWORTH, PETA; PEYERL, DRIELLI. Enhancing developing countries ` transition to a low-carbon electricity sector. ENERGY, v. 220, . (18/26388-9, 14/50279-4, 17/18208-8)
DA SILVA FILHO, SAULO VIEIRA; PEYERL, DRIELLI; DOS SANTOS, EDMILSON MOUTINHO. Early insights on the fracking impacts to the water-energy nexus in Brazil: is there a risk of water scarcity in the shale gas prospective areas?. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 336, p. 10-pg., . (17/18208-8, 14/50279-4, 20/15230-5, 18/26388-9)
PEYERL, DRIELLI; DE MENDONCA FIGUEIROA, SILVIA FERNANDA. Applied geophysics in Brazil and the development of a national oil industry (1930-1960). HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 36, n. 1, . (14/50279-4, 18/26388-9, 17/18208-8, 14/06843-2, 15/03244-3)
PEYERL, DRIELLI; CACHOLA, CELSO DA SILVEIRA; ALVES, VICTOR HARANO; MONDRAGON, MARCELLA; MACEDO, SABRINA FERNANDES; GUICHET, XAVIER; DOS SANTOS, EDMILSON MOUTINHO. Applying small-scale liquefied natural gas supply chain by fluvial transport in the isolated systems: The case study of Amazonas, Brazil. ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, v. 68, p. 11-pg., . (14/50279-4, 20/15230-5, 18/26388-9, 17/18208-8)
ZACHARIAS, LUIS GUILHERME LARIZZATTI; DE ANDRADE, ANA CLARA ANTUNES COSTA; GUICHET, XAVIER; MOUETTE, DOMINIQUE; PEYERL, DRIELLI. Natural gas as a vehicular fuel in Brazil: Barriers and lessons to learn. ENERGY POLICY, v. 167, p. 11-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/18208-8, 19/17996-8, 20/12521-9, 20/02546-4, 18/26388-9, 20/15230-5)
CACHOLA, CELSO DA SILVEIRA; CIOTTA, MARIANA; DOS SANTOS, ALEX AZEVEDO; PEYERL, DRIELLI. Deploying of the carbon capture technologies for CO 2 emission mitigation in the industrial sectors. CARBON CAPTURE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 7, p. 13-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/18208-8, 18/26388-9, 20/15230-5)
RELVA, STEFANIA GOMES; DA SILVA, VINICIUS OLIVEIRA; PEYERL, DRIELLI; VEIGA GIMENES, ANDRE LUIZ; MOLARES UDAETA, MIGUEL EDGAR. Regulating the electro-energetic use of natural gas by gas-to-wire offshore technology: Case study from Brazil. UTILITIES POLICY, v. 66, p. 9-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/18208-8, 18/26388-9)
BARBOSA, MARIANA OLIVEIRA; PEYERL, DRIELLI; MENDES, ANDRE BERGSTEN. The economic and environmental benefits of adopting natural gas in isolated systems of Amazonas state, Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, v. 47, p. 11-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/18208-8, 19/07995-4, 19/04555-3, 18/26388-9, 20/08835-8, 20/15230-5)
MOUETTE, DOMINIQUE; MACHADO, PEDRO GERBER; FRAGA, DENIS; PEYERL, DRIELLI; BORGES, RAQUEL ROCHA; FELIPE BRITO, THIAGO LUIS; SHIMOMAEBARA, LENA AYANO; DOS SANTOS, EDMILSON MOUTINHO. Costs and emissions assessment of a Blue Corridor in a Brazilian reality: The use of liquefied natural gas in the transport sector. Science of The Total Environment, v. 668, p. 1104-1116, . (17/18208-8)
FONTENELLE, ANA LUIZA; NILSSON, ERIK; HIDALGO, IEDA GERIBERTO; UVO, CINTIA B.; PEYERL, DRIELLI. Temporal Understanding of the Water-Energy Nexus: A Literature Review. ENERGIES, v. 15, n. 8, p. 21-pg., . (14/50279-4, 18/00016-8, 18/26388-9, 17/18208-8, 20/15230-5)
PEYERL, DRIELLI; BARBOSA, MARIANA OLIVEIRA; CIOTTA, MARIANA; PELISSARI, MARIA ROGIERI; MORETTO, EVANDRO MATEUS. Linkages between the Promotion of Renewable Energy Policies and Low-Carbon Transition Trends in South America's Electricity Sector. ENERGIES, v. 15, n. 12, p. 18-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/18208-8, 19/07995-4, 19/04555-3, 18/26388-9, 20/15230-5)
NETTO, ANNA LUISA ABREU; CAMARA, GEORGE; ROCHA, EXPEDITO; SILVA, ALDO LUIZ; ANDRADE, JOSE CELIO SILVEIRA; PEYERL, DRIELLI; ROCHA, PAULO. A first look at social factors driving CCS perception in Brazil: A case study in the Reconcavo Basin. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL, v. 98, . (18/26388-9, 17/18208-8)
RELVA, STEFANIA GOMES; DA SILVA, VINICIUS OLIVEIRA; VEIGA GIMENES, ANDRE LUIZ; UDAETA, MIGUEL EDGAR MORALES; ASHWORTH, PETA; PEYERL, DRIELLI. Enhancing developing countries ' transition to a low-carbon electricity sector. ENERGY, v. 220, p. 16-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/18208-8, 18/26388-9)

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