Research Grants 17/21097-3 - Eletrofisiologia, Nanotecnologia - BV FAPESP
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Bee-agriculture interactions: perspectives to sustainable use

Grant number: 17/21097-3
Support Opportunities:BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Zoology - Applied Zoology
Principal Investigator:Osmar Malaspina
Grantee:Osmar Malaspina
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Rio Claro. Rio Claro , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Bruno Campos Janegitz ; Elaine Cristina Mathias da Silva ; Ricardo Ferraz de Oliveira ; Roberta Cornélio Ferreira Nocelli
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Thaisa Cristina Roat
Associated researchers:Cláudia Inês da Silva ; Patrícia Andrea Monquero
Associated scholarship(s):23/00317-6 - Manufacture of new conductive filaments for the production of electrochemical sensors, BP.MS
23/02599-9 - Effects of the interaction between flupyradifurone and pyraclostrobin combined with fluxapyroxad on foragers of the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris (Latreille, 1811), BP.MS
23/02102-7 - Oral acute toxicity of insecticides formulated with two active ingredients on the bee Melipona scutellaris Latreille (Apidae: Meliponini), BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 22/01601-7 - Novel electrochemical devices based on 3D printing for the detection of pesticides in honey samples, BE.PQ
22/08799-7 - Development of Scaptotrigona postica Latreille, 1807 exposed to sublethal doses of pesticides focusing on sensory organs, BP.MS
22/06145-0 - Obtention of improved electrochemical sensors by modifying 3D printed electrodes with biofilms obtained from beeswax and carbon nanomaterials for the detection of harmful compounds in honey, BP.PD
21/13971-0 - Management of artificial nests for the conservation of solitary bees in agroforestry system and in seasonal semi-decidental forest, BP.IC
21/03179-8 - New architectures of 3D printed sensors for detection of biomarkers and hydrogen peroxide, BP.DR
21/09996-8 - Pesticides effects on stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) imune system, BP.PD
21/04577-7 - Effects of herbicides dicamba and glyphosate isolated and combined on bees Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811, BP.IC
21/01359-9 - Effects of the insecticide thiamethoxam on Scaptotrigona postica Latreille, 1807 (Hymenoptera, Meliponina): determination of the average lethal concentration and analysis of enzyme activity, BP.IC
20/12639-0 - Effects of the neonicotinoid insecticide Imidacloprid and the fungicide Pyraclostrobin on the solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes: evaluation of energy metabolism, cellular responses and composition of the microbiome, BP.PD
20/13455-0 - Characterization of tomato electrical activity in interaction with social, parasocial and solitary bees after exposure to neonicotinoids, BP.PD
20/03527-3 - Differential gene expression of Melipona scutellaris Malpighi tubule transcriptomes exposed to thiamethoxam, BP.MS
19/27863-5 - Can pesticide mixing harm the health, behavior and reproduction of native solitary bees?, BP.DR
18/24245-6 - Genomic, transcriptomic and metagenomic in populations of native stingless bees aiming the search for detoxification genes, BP.DR
19/24428-6 - Development of Pd and Ag binary materials for modification of the glassy carbon electrode and disposable printed electrode for melatonin and nitrite determination, BP.IC
19/23177-0 - Development of disposable devices with conductive inks and low cost substrates for the biosensing of hormonal dysfunctions and detection of Malaria, BP.DD
19/23342-0 - Development of novel immunosensor architechtures for the detection of Huntington and Parkinson Diseases biomarkers, BP.DD
19/20109-3 - Metabolic route of pesticides in bees, BP.PD
19/01844-4 - Development of nanostructured electrodes for determination of agrotoxic residues in honey, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Bees play a key role in pollinating services in natural ecosystems and agroecosystems. However, this indispensable service is due primarily to deforestation, fragmentation of habitat and loss of natural areas, which are replaced by urban centers, Agriculture and Livestock. In addition, subsequent activities related to Agriculture in the conventional system, such as the indiscriminate and incorrect use of agrochemicals, have contributed significantly to the mortality of native bees and more massively disseminated species of the exotic species Apis mellifera. During the collection of food resources (pollen, nectar, floral oils and resins) bees come into contact with pesticides. Whether directly or systemically via the plants, this contact with pesticides has caused lethal and sublethal effects on honey bees, and little or nothing is known about the effects on native and non-social native bees. Our general objective is to evaluate the effects of different pesticides and their mixtures on A. mellifera, considered as a model species in toxicological studies, and compare these effects with two species of native bees, Melipona scutellaris and Scaptotrigona postica; a parasocial species, Xylocopa frontalis e; two solitary species, Tetrapedia diversipes and Centris analis. The specific objectives related to the subprojects are: 1) to analyze the biological responses (endpoints) to the agrochemicals tested through laboratory bioassays; 2) to evaluate the detection of agrochemicals and hydrogen peroxide in honey using nanostructured thin films produced from beeswax; 3) to verify the effect of pesticides on plant-insect interaction by recording the electrical activity of plants. (AU)

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Scientific publications (93)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; BUTOLO, NICOLE PAVAN; DE ALENCAR, LUCIANO DELMONDES; LIMA, HELLEN MARIA SOARES; SALES, VICTOR RIBEIRO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA. Optimization of in vitro culture of honeybee nervous tissue for pesticide risk assessment. TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO, v. 84, p. 14-pg., . (17/21097-3, 18/24245-6)
DOS SANTOS, FABRICIO A.; VIEIRA, NIRTON C. S.; ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; ZUCOLOTTO, VALTENCIR. The layer-by-layer assembly of reduced graphene oxide films and their application as solution-gated field-effect transistors. Applied Surface Science, v. 543, . (17/21898-6, 18/07508-3, 17/21097-3)
GRELLA, TATIANE CAROLINE; SOARES-LIMA, HELLEN MARIA; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. Semi-quantitative analysis of morphological changes in bee tissues: A toxicological approach. Chemosphere, v. 236, . (14/12488-0, 13/09555-5, 17/21097-3)
CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; RIVAS, GUSTAVO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Novel eco-friendly water-based conductive ink for the preparation of disposable screen-printed electrodes for sensing and biosensing applications. Electrochimica Acta, v. 409, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
BUTOLO, NICOLE PAVAN; AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; DE ALENCAR, LUCIANO DELMONDES; DOMINGUES, CAIO E. C.; MIOTELO, LUCAS; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. A high quality method for hemolymph collection from honeybee larvae. PLoS One, v. 15, n. 6, . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7)
CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; ARAUJO, DIELE APARECIDA GOUVEIA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; ROCHA, DIEGO PESSOA; DOS SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ; TAKEUCHI, REGINA MASSAKO; MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO ABARZA; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; et al. Development of conductive inks for electrochemical sensors and biosensors. Microchemical Journal, v. 164, . (17/21097-3, 19/23342-0, 13/22127-2, 19/23177-0, 19/00473-2, 17/23960-0, 19/01844-4)
BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; DOS SANTOS, PAMYLA LAYENE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; ROCHA, DIEGO PESSOA; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO ABARZA; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; CARRILHO, EMANUEL. Biosensing strategies for the electrochemical detection of viruses and viral diseases e A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1159, . (18/19750-3, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3)
MIOTELO, LUCAS; MENDES DOS REIS, ANA LUIZA; ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE; DA SILVA PACHU, JESSICA KARINA; MALAQUIAS, JOSE BRUNO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; ROAT, THAISA CRISTINA. A food-ingested sublethal concentration of thiamethoxam has harmful effects on the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. Chemosphere, v. 288, n. 1, . (17/21097-3, 18/20435-5, 15/20380-8, 17/05953-7, 20/03527-3, 12/13370-8)
BUTOLO, N. P.; AZEVEDO, P.; ALENCAR, L. D.; MALASPINA, O.; NOCELLI, R. C. F.. Impact of low temperatures on the immune system of honeybees. Journal of Thermal Biology, v. 101, . (18/24245-6, 17/21097-3)
HENRIQUE, JULIA MELO; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE OLIVEIRA, GEISER GABRIEL; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Disposable electrochemical sensor based on shellac and graphite for sulfamethoxazole detection. Microchemical Journal, v. 170, . (19/23177-0, 17/21097-3, 20/04189-4)
DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; BELLO INOUE, LAIS VIEIRA; MATHIAS DA SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE CRISTINA; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Foragers of Africanized honeybee are more sensitive to fungicide pyraclostrobin than newly emerged bees. Environmental Pollution, v. 266, n. 2, . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7)
TADEI, RAFAELA; DA SILVA, CLAUDIA INES; DECIO, PAMELA; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. ethod for maintaining adult solitary bee Centris analis under laboratory condition. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 13, n. 3, . (17/21097-3, 19/27863-5, 20/12639-0)
AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; BUTOLO, NICOLE PAVAN; DE ALENCAR, LUCIANO DELMONDES; SOARES-LIMA, HELLEN MARIA; SALES, VICTOR RIBEIRO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. Standardization of in vitro nervous tissue culture for honeybee: A high specificity toxicological approach. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 189, . (14/12488-0, 13/09555-5, 17/21097-3)
RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A.; SILVA, TIAGO A.; CAETANO, FABIO R.; RIBOVSKI, LAIS; ZAPP, EDUARDO; BRONDANI, DANIELA; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.; MARCOLINO, JR., LUIZ H.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; OLIVEIRA, JR., OSVALDO N.; et al. Polyphenol oxidase-based electrochemical biosensors: A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1139, p. 198-221, . (16/01919-6, 18/22214-6, 17/21097-3, 17/21898-6, 20/01050-5)
OLIVEIRA, GEISER GABRIEL; AZZI, DEBORAH CHRISTINE; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Sensitive Voltammetric Detection of Chloroquine Drug by Applying a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode. C-JOURNAL OF CARBON RESEARCH, v. 6, n. 4, . (20/01050-5, 17/21097-3)
PACHU, JESSICA K. S.; MACEDO, FRANCYNES C. O.; DA SILVA, FABIA B.; MALAQUIAS, JOSE B.; RAMALHO, FRANCISCO S.; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO F.; GODOY, WESLEY A. C.. Imidacloprid-mediated stress on non-Bt and Bt cotton, aphid and ladybug interaction: Approaches based on insect behaviour, fluorescence, dark respiration and plant electrophysiology. Chemosphere, v. 263, . (14/16609-7, 15/20380-8, 17/21097-3, 18/20435-5, 17/05953-7)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; NEUMSTEIR, NAILE VACIONOTTO; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Sensing of L-methionine in biological samples through fully 3D-printed electrodes. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1142, p. 135-142, . (17/23960-0, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 19/01844-4, 13/22127-2)
BATISTA, NATHAN RODRIGUES; DE OLIVEIRA, VINICIUS EDSON SOARES; CRISPIM, PAULA DANYELLE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR, WILLIAM FERNANDO. Is the social wasp Polybia paulista a silent victim of neonicotinoid contamination?*. Environmental Pollution, v. 308, p. 7-pg., . (17/21097-3)
SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; BRAZACA, LAIS C.; CARRILHO, EMANUEL; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H.; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Electrochemical Biosensor for SARS-CoV-2 cDNA Detection Using AuPs-Modified 3D-Printed Graphene Electrodes. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 12, n. 8, p. 20-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 18/19750-3)
ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA A.; DA SILVA, VINICIUS A. O. P.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; CORAT, EVALDO J.; ZANIN, HUDSON G.; SILVA, TIAGO A.; BULLER, GARY A.; KEEFE, EDMUND M.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Determination of tadalafil in pharmaceutical samples by vertically oriented multi-walled carbon nanotube electrochemical sensing device. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 877, . (16/12697-4, 17/21097-3)
ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE; DORIGO, ADNA SUELEN; GALASCHI-TEIXEIRA, JULIANA STEPHANIE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA C. F.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. What is the most suitable native bee species from the Neotropical region to be proposed as model-organism for toxicity tests during the larval phase?. Environmental Pollution, v. 265, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 16/00328-4)
DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ HUMBERTO; BERGAMINI, MARCIO FERNANDO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Use of beeswax as an alternative binder in the development of composite electrodes: an approach for determination of hydrogen peroxide in honey samples. Electrochimica Acta, v. 390, . (17/21097-3)
VIDAL RAMOS, MATHEUS MESQUITA; CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Determination of serotonin by using a thin film containing graphite, nanodiamonds and gold nanoparticles anchored in casein. MEASUREMENT, v. 149, . (17/21898-6, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3)
ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; ASSUMPC, MONICA HELENA MARCON TEIXEIRA; NANDENHA, JULIO; NETO, ALMIR OLIVEIRA; JUNIOR, LUIZ HUMBERTO MARCOLINO; BERGAMINI, MARCIO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Pd, Ag and Bi carbon-supported electrocatalysts as electrochemical multifunctional materials for ethanol oxidation and dopamine determination. Electrochimica Acta, v. 428, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/23342-0)
FARDER-GOMES, CLIVER FERNANDES; SANTOS, ABRAAO ALMEIDA; FERNANDES, KENNER MORAIS; BERNARDES, RODRIGO CUPERTINO; MARTINS, GUSTAVO FERREIRA; SERRAO, JOSE EDUARDO. Fipronil exposure compromises respiration and damages the Malpighian tubules of the stingless bee Partamona helleri Friese (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 29, n. 58, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/09996-8)
DE FREITAS, RAFAELA CRISTINA; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Pd and Ag Binary Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon Black and Tapioca for Nitrite Electrochemical Detection. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 168, n. 11, . (19/01844-4, 19/23342-0, 19/24428-6, 17/21097-3)
CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; ARANTES, IANA V. S.; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; SIGLEY, EVELYN; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; PAIXAO, THIAGO R. L. C.; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Utilising bio-based plasticiser castor oil and recycled PLA for the production of conductive additive manufacturing feedstock and detection of bisphenol A. GREEN CHEMISTRY, v. 25, n. 14, p. 10-pg., . (19/00473-2, 22/07552-8, 17/21097-3, 18/08782-1, 21/07989-4, 19/15065-7, 13/22127-2)
BLASQUES, RODRIGO VIEIRA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D. D.; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; BANKS, CRAIG E. E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Flexible Label-Free Platinum and Bio-PET-Based Immunosensor for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 13, n. 2, p. 19-pg., . (19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 18/19750-3, 19/23177-0, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
DE FREITAS, RAFAELA C.; FONSECA, WILSON T.; AZZI, DEBORAH C.; RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A.; OLIVEIRA JR, OSVALDO N.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Flexible electrochemical sensor printed with conductive ink made with craft glue and graphite to detect drug and neurotransmitter. Microchemical Journal, v. 191, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/24428-6, 16/01919-6, 18/22214-6)
CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; SIGLEY, EVELYN; WILLIAMS, RHYS J.; BRINE, TOM; GARCIA-MIRANDA FERRARI, ALEJANDRO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Circular Economy Electrochemistry: Recycling Old Mixed Material Additively Manufactured Sensors into New Electroanalytical Sensing Platforms. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 11, n. 24, p. 11-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2)
ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE S.; DORIGO, ADNA SUELEN; MALAQUIAS, JOSE BRUNO; PACHU, JESSICA K. S.; NOCELLI, ROBERTA C. F.; TOSI, SIMONE; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Fungivorous mites enhance the survivorship and development of stingless bees even when exposed to pesticides. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3)
GUIMARAES, VITORIA PISTORI; NANDENHA, JULIO; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; OLIVEIRA NETO, ALMIR; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; VICENTINI, FERNANDO CAMPANHA; MARCON TEIXEIRA ASSUMPCAO, MONICA HELENA. Effect of TiO2 and Synthesis Strategies on Formate Oxidation: Electrochemical and Fuel Cell Approaches. ELECTROCATALYSIS, v. 14, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (17/21097-3, 20/01050-5, 19/23342-0)
MIOTELO, LUCAS; FERRO, MILENE; MALONI, GEOVANA; OTERO, IGOR VINICIUS RAMOS; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; BACCI, MAURICIO; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Transcriptomic analysis of Malpighian tubules from the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris reveals thiamethoxam-induced damages. Science of The Total Environment, v. 850, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/01359-9, 20/03527-3)
SALES, VICTOR RIBEIRO; AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; ZUCCHI, MARIA IMACULADA; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. A systematic review of research conducted by pioneer groups in ecotoxicological studies with bees in Brazil: advances and perspectives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 29, n. 42, p. 22-pg., . (17/21097-3, 18/24245-6)
BLASQUES, RODRIGO VIEIRA; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; SLIVA, LUIZ R. GUTERRES E.; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Disposable Prussian blue-anchored electrochemical sensor for enzymatic and non-enzymatic multi-analyte detection. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS REPORTS, v. 4, p. 11-pg., . (18/19750-3, 17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; FERRARI, ALEJANDRO GARCIA-MIRANDA; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Novel Additive Manufactured Multielectrode Electrochemical Cell with Honeycomb Inspired Design for the Detection of Methyl Parathion in Honey Samples. ACS MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AU, v. 3, n. 3, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 22/01601-7, 19/00473-2)
STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; GUTERRES E SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. New carbon black-based conductive filaments for the additive manufacture of improved electrochemical sensors by fused deposition modeling. Microchimica Acta, v. 189, n. 11, p. 16-pg., . (22/06145-0, 17/21097-3)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. 3D-printed immunosensor for the diagnosis of Parkinson?s disease. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 381, p. 8-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
FABRI, JOCIELI; SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; PEREIRA, JIAN F. S.; COCCO, DANIEL R.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; ROCHA, DIEGO P.. In situ electrochemical determination of resorcinol using a fully 3D printed apparatus. Microchemical Journal, v. 191, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0)
SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Additive manufactured microfluidic device for electrochemical detection of carbendazim in honey samples. TALANTA OPEN, v. 7, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0)
DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; FERRARI, ALEJANDRO GARCIA -MIRANDA; WUAMPRAKHON, PHATSAWIT; HURST, NICHOLAS J.; DEMPSEY-HIBBERT, NINA C.; SAWANGPHRUK, MONTREE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Low-cost, facile droplet modification of screen-printed arrays for internally validated electrochemical detection of serum procalcitonin. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 228, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 22/01601-7, 19/00473-2)
CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; BRAZACA, LAIS C.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. New conductive ink based on carbon nanotubes and glass varnish for the construction of a disposable electrochemical sensor. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 937, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 20/11336-3)
GUSTANI, FLAVIA MARIA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, JEFFERSON HENRIQUE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; FUJIHARA, RICARDO TOSHIO. Synthesis, Attractiveness and Effectiveness of Chitosan-Tapioca Encapsulates in Atta Sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE; DORIGO, ADNA SUELEN; GALASCHI-TEIXEIRA, JULIANA STEPHANIE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA C. F.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. What is the most suitable native bee species from the Neotropical region to be proposed as model-organism for toxicity tests during the larval phase?. Environmental Pollution, v. 265, n. B, . (17/21097-3, 16/00328-4)
DE SOUZA, DANIEL CARDOSO; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Electrochemical Sensor Based on Beeswax and Carbon Black Thin Biofilms for Determination of Paraquat in Apis mellifera Honey. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 14, n. 3, p. 606-615, . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2, 17/21097-3)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; NEUMSTEIR, NAILE VACILOTTO; HENRIQUES, BRUNNA FERRI; APARECIDO, GABRIEL DE OLIVEIRA; LOUREIRO, HUGO CAMPOS; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Influence of filament aging and conductive additive in 3D printed sensors. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1191, . (19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 19/01844-4, 13/22127-2)
DECIO, PAMELA; MIOTELO, LUCAS; PEREIRA, FRANCO DANI CAMPOS; ROAT, THAISA CRISTINA; MARIN-MORALES, MARIA APARECIDA; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Enzymatic responses in the head and midgut of Africanized Apis mellifera contaminated with a sublethal concentration of thiamethoxam. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 223, . (14/23197-7, 17/21097-3, 12/13370-8)
GUSTANI, FLAVIA MARIA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, JEFFERSON HENRIQUE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; FUJIHARA, RICARDO TOSHIO. Synthesis, Attractiveness and Effectiveness of Chitosan-Tapioca Encapsulates in Atta Sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, v. 29, n. 9, p. 2869-2880, . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA ALANA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Novel electrochemical sensor based on nanodiamonds and manioc starch for detection of diquat in environmental samples. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 98, . (17/21898-6, 17/11958-1, 17/21097-3, 14/02163-7)
SILVA, VINICIUS A. O. P.; FERNANDES-JUNIOR, WILSON S.; ROCHA, DIEGO P.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. 3D-printed reduced graphene oxide/polylactic acid electrodes: A new prototyped platform for sensing and biosensing applications. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 170, . (17/23960-0, 17/21097-3, 13/22127-2, 19/26953-0)
DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; BELLO INOUE, LAIS VIEIRA; MATHIAS DA SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE CRISTINA; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Fungicide pyraclostrobin affects midgut morphophysiology and reduces survival of Brazilian native stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 206, . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7)
TADEI, RAFAELA; DOMINGUES, CAIO E. C.; MALAQUIAS, JOSE BRUNO; CAMILO, ERASNILSON VIEIRA; MALASPINA, OSMAR; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.. Late effect of larval co-exposure to the insecticide clothianidin and fungicide pyraclostrobin in Africanized Apis mellifera. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (16/15743-7, 17/21097-3, 16/26043-6, 15/20380-8)
STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; GUTERRES E SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO; ROCHA, RAQUEL GOMES; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; RICHTER, EDUARDO MATHIAS; ABARZA MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. New conductive filament ready-to-use for 3D-printing electrochemical (bio)sensors: Towards the detection of SARS-CoV-2. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1191, . (17/21097-3, 18/19750-3)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO R.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; MANGRICH, ANTONIO S.; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H.; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.. State-of-the-art and perspectives in the use of biochar for electrochemical and electroanalytical applications. GREEN CHEMISTRY, v. 23, n. 15, . (19/01844-4, 17/21097-3, 13/22127-2, 19/00473-2)
MAURUTO DE OLIVEIRA, GABRIELA C.; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, JEFFERSON HENRIQUE; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; SILVA VIEIRA, NIRTON CRISTI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Flexible platinum electrodes as electrochemical sensor and immunosensor for Parkinson's disease biomarkers. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 152, . (17/17572-8, 18/07508-3, 19/04085-7, 17/21097-3, 18/19750-3, 17/21898-6)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; NEUMSTEIR, NAILE VACILOTTO; APARECIDO, GABRIEL DE OLIVEIRA; DE BARROS FERRAZ, THIAGO VASCONCELOS; DOS SANTOS, PAMYLA LAYENE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Comparison of activation processes for 3D printed PLA-graphene electrodes: electrochemical properties and application for sensing of dopamine. ANALYST, v. 145, n. 4, p. 1207-1218, . (17/23960-0, 17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2)
BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; SAMPAIO, ISABELLA; ZUCOLOTTO, VALTENCIR; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Applications of biosensors in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. Talanta, v. 210, . (17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 15/02623-0, 18/19750-3)
FREITAS, RAFAELA C.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; FERREIRA, LUIS M. C.; PAIXAO, THIAGO R. L. C.; COLTRO, WENDELL K. T.; VICENTINI, FERNANDO C.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Electrochemical determination of melatonin using disposable self-adhesive inked paper electrode. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 897, . (17/21097-3, 19/24428-6, 19/23342-0, 18/08782-1)
PRADEL-FILHO, LAURO A.; ANDREOTTI, ISABELA A. A.; CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; ARAUJO, DIELE A. G.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; GATTI, ALEXANDRE; TAKEUCHI, REGINA M.; SANTOS, ANDRE L.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Glass varnish-based carbon conductive ink: A new way to produce disposable electrochemical sensors. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 305, . (16/12697-4, 17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 19/04085-7)
CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; ANDREOTTI, ISABELLA A. A.; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; HENRIQUE, JULIA M.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Waterproof paper as a new substrate to construct a disposable sensor for the, electrochemical determination of paracetamol and melatonin. Talanta, v. 208, . (17/21898-6, 18/02162-1, 17/21097-3, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2)
MUTZ, YHAN S.; DO ROSARIO, DENES; SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; GALVAN, DIEGO; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; WEITZ, DAVID A.; BERNARDES, PATRICIA C.; CONTE-JUNIOR, CARLOS A.. Lab-made 3D printed electrochemical sensors coupled with chemometrics for Brazilian coffee authentication. Food Chemistry, v. 403, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3)
DE OLIVEIRA, GABRIELA CAROLINA MAURUTO; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; VIEIRA, NIRTON CRISTI SILVA; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. A new disposable electrochemical sensor on medical adhesive tape. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 10, . (17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 17/17572-8, 19/23177-0)
OLIANI PEDRO DA SILVA, VINICIUS APARECIDO; DE FREITAS, RAFAELA CRISTINA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; MOREIRA, ROGER CARDOSO; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ HUMBERTO; BERGAMINI, MARCIO FERNANDO; COLTRO, WENDELL K. T.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Microfluidic paper-based device integrated with smartphone for point-of-use colorimetric monitoring of water quality index. MEASUREMENT, v. 164, . (17/21898-6, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3)
DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; PAIVA SARMENTO, ARTUR MIGUEL; JESUS CAPELA, NUNO XAVIER; COSTA, JOSE MIGUEL; RODRIGUES MINA, RUBEN MIGUEL; DA SILVA, ANTONIO ALVES; REIS, ANA RAQUEL; VALENTE, CARLOS; MALASPINA, OSMAR; AZEVEDO-PEREIRA, HENRIQUE M. V. S.; et al. Monitoring the effects of field exposure of acetamiprid to honey bee colonies in Eucalyptus monoculture plantations. Science of The Total Environment, v. 844, p. 12-pg., . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7, 18/05072-3)
PEREIRA, MATEUS V.; DATTI, EVANDRO; ALVARENGA, GABRIEL R.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, J. A.. 3D printing and its applications in spectroelectrochemistry. Microchemical Journal, v. 183, p. 11-pg., . (17/21097-3, 17/11986-5, 20/14769-8, 21/05976-2)
BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; IMAMURA, AMANDA HIKARI; GOMES, NATHALIA OEZAU; ALMEIDA, MARIANA BORTHOLAZZI; SCHEIDT, DESIREE TAMARA; RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A.; OLIVEIRA JR, OSVALDO N.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; SPINOLA MACHADO, SERGIO ANTONIO; CARRILHO, EMANUEL. Electrochemical immunosensors using electrodeposited gold nanostructures for detecting the S proteins from SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 414, n. 18, p. 11-pg., . (20/09587-8, 17/21097-3, 19/01777-5, 17/05362-9, 18/22214-6, 16/01919-6, 18/19750-3)
DE ASSIS, JOSIMERE CONCEICAO; DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; TADEI, RAFAELA; DA SILVA, CLAUDIA INES; SOARES LIMA, HELLEN MARIA; DECIO, PAMELA; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.. Sublethal doses of imidacloprid and pyraclostrobin impair fat body of solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes (Klug, 1810). Environmental Pollution, v. 304, p. 10-pg., . (17/21097-3)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Prussian blue nanoparticles anchored on activated 3D printed sensor for the detection of L-cysteine. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 362, p. 9-pg., . (19/00473-2, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3, 13/22127-2)
CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; GOGOLA, JEFERSON L.; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Disposable and low-cost lab-made screen-printed electrodes for voltammetric determination of L-dopa. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS REPORTS, v. 3, . (19/04085-7, 17/21097-3)
PACHU, JESSICA K. S.; MACEDO, FRANCYNES C. O.; MALAQUIAS, JOSE B.; RAMALHO, FRANCISCO S.; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO F.; FRANCO, FLAVIA PEREIRA; GODOY, WESLEY A. C.. Electrical signalling on Bt and non-Bt cotton plants under stress by Aphis gossypii. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 4, . (15/20380-8, 17/21097-3, 17/05953-7, 14/16609-7, 18/20435-5)
DA SILVA, VINICIUS A. O. P.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO. A. A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO. C. C.. Additive Manufacturing Sensor for Stress Biomarker Detection. CHEMOSENSORS, v. 11, n. 5, p. 14-pg., . (22/06145-0, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/03179-8, 21/07989-4)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; SIGLEY, EVELYN; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO R.; BRAZACA, LAIS C.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Recycled additive manufacturing feedstocks with carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes toward the detection of yellow fever virus cDNA. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 467, p. 10-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
INOUE, LAIS V. B.; DOMINGUES, CAIO E. C.; GREGORC, ALES; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Harmful Effects of Pyraclostrobin on the Fat Body and Pericardial Cells of Foragers of Africanized Honey Bee. TOXICS, v. 10, n. 9, p. 14-pg., . (16/15743-7, 17/21097-3)
SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO GUTERRES; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. 3D electrochemical device obtained by additive manufacturing for sequential determination of paraquat and carbendazim in food samples. Food Chemistry, v. 406, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 18/19750-3)
TADEI, RAFAELA; MENEZES-OLIVEIRA, VANESSA B.; SILVA, CLAUDIA I.; DA SILVA, ELAINE C. MATHIAS; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Sensitivity of the Neotropical Solitary Bee Centris analis F. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) to the Reference Insecticide Dimethoate for Pesticide Risk Assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/27863-5)
BATISTA, NATHAN RODRIGUES; FARDER-GOMES, CLIVER FERNANDES; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR, WILLIAM FERNANDO. Effects of chronic exposure to sublethal doses of neonicotinoids in the social wasp Polybia paulista: Survival, mobility, and histopathology. Science of The Total Environment, v. 904, p. 12-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/09996-8)
STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DA ROCHA, RAQUEL GOMES; ROCHA, DIEGO PESSOA; OLIANI PEDRO DA SILVA, VINICIUS APARECIDO; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; ANGNES, LUCIO; RICHTER, EDUARDO MATHIAS; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; ABARZA MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO. Electrochemical (Bio)Sensors Enabled by Fused Deposition Modeling-Based 3D Printing: A Guide to Selecting Designs, Printing Parameters, and Post-Treatment Protocols. Analytical Chemistry, v. 94, n. 17, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 13/22127-2, 20/00325-0)
ARAUJO, DIELE A. G.; CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; PRADELA-FILHO, LAURO A.; LIMA, ANA P.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; TAKEUCHI, REGINA M.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; SANTOS, ANDRE L.. A lab-made screen-printed electrode as a platform to study the effect of the size and functionalization of carbon nanotubes on the voltammetric determination of caffeic acid. Microchemical Journal, v. 158, . (17/21097-3, 18/02162-1)
FERNANDES-JUNIOR, WILSON SILVA; ZACCARIN, LETICIA FERNANDA; OLIVEIRA, GEISER GABRIEL; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; PRAKASH, JAI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Electrochemical Sensor Based on Nanodiamonds and Manioc Starch for Detection of Tetracycline. JOURNAL OF SENSORS, v. 2021, . (17/21097-3, 19/26953-0, 13/22127-2, 19/01844-4)
CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; FERNANDES-JUNIOR, WILSON S.; AZZI, DEBORAH C.; ROCHA, RAQUEL G.; FARIA, LUCAS, V; RICHTER, EDUARDO M.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Development of New Simple Compositions of Silver Inks for the Preparation of Pseudo-Reference Electrodes. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 12, n. 9, p. 17-pg., . (20/04189-4, 19/23177-0, 17/21097-3, 19/26953-0)
CRISPIM, PAULA DANYELLE; DE OLIVEIRA, VINICIUS EDSON SOARES; BATISTA, NATHAN RODRIGUES; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR, WILLIAM FERNANDO. Lethal and Sublethal Dose of Thiamethoxam and Its Effects on the Behavior of a Non-target Social Wasp. Neotropical Entomology, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3)
LOURENCETTI, ANA PAULA SALOME; AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; MIOTELO, LUCAS; MALASPINA, OSMAR; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELLO FERRERIA. Surrogate species in pesticide risk assessments: Toxicological data of three stingless bees species. Environmental Pollution, v. 318, p. 6-pg., . (17/21097-3, 18/24245-6, 20/03527-3)
SILVA, RAFAEL MATIAS; DA SILVA, ALEXSANDRA DIAS; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE CASTRO, BRUNA SANTOS; MEIRELES, LAIS MUNIZ; SILVA, PATRICIA SOARES; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA. Carbon Nanomaterials-Based Screen-Printed Electrodes for Sensing Applications. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 13, n. 4, p. 38-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0, 23/00321-3)
AGUIAR, JOAO MARCELO ROBAZZI BIGNELLI VALENTE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; GIURFA, MARTIN; NASCIMENTO, FABIO SANTOS. Neonicotinoid effects on tropical bees: Imidacloprid impairs innate appetitive responsiveness, learning and memory in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata. Science of The Total Environment, v. 877, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/05598-8, 19/20408-0)
SIGLEY, EVELYN; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; WILLIAMS, RHYS J.; KEEFE, EDMUND M.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Circular Economy Electrochemistry: Creating Additive Manufacturing Feedstocks for Caffeine Detection from Post- Industrial Coffee Pod Waste. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 11, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. The Preparation and Use of Low-Cost Electrochemical Sensors. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 10, n. 39, p. 3-pg., . (17/21097-3)
SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; OLIVEIRA, GEISER G.; PRAKASH, JAI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Electrochemical sensors and biosensors based on nanodiamonds: A review. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 35, p. 14-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 20/11336-3)
OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; GUTERRES E SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; FERRARI, ALEJANDRO GARCIA-MIRANDA; PRAKASH, JAI; WEN, YANGPING; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Conductive Biofilm Propolis-Based: Electrochemical Determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural in Honey. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 22/01601-7, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO GUTERRES; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Additive manufacturing of carbon black immunosensors based on covalent immobilization for portable electrochemical detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein. TALANTA OPEN, v. 8, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0)

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