Research Grants 18/03015-2 - Otimização, Reconfiguração de redes de distribuição - BV FAPESP
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Distribution Networks Optimization with Photovoltaic Generation


The growing increase in the distributed generation (DG) connection coupled with the introduction of the concept of smart grids opens up a range of opportunities that should result in a more efficient and flexible operation of electric power systems. Among the sources of DG, it is worth mentioning the Photovoltaic Generation (PG), which in recent years has shown an exponential growth with prospects of maintaining this trajectory. To inject the power in the network provided by the PG is used inverters, which depending on the technology used can contribute with both active and reactive power, to better power factor and control the voltage in the network. In this project a hybrid approach will be developed to solve the distribution network reconfiguration (DNR) problem considering the PG penetration with the optimum adjustment of the inverters. The methodology will consider the variations of the PG connected to the grid and the variation of the loads during the day. The solution to the problem will point to the optimum network configuration and inverter settings that minimize losses over a 24-hour period. The tests will be carried out in didactic and real systems available in the specialized literature, which will be modified due to GF connection. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PEREIRA, J. S.; BELATI, E. A.; NASCIMENTO, C. F.; SILVA, P. F.; ROSSONI, P.. A Mathematical Programming Approach for Allocation and Analysis of TCSC in Power Transmission Systems. IEEE Latin America Transactions, v. 20, n. 7, p. 9-pg., . (14/14361-8, 18/03015-2, 16/08645-9)

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