Research Grants 18/09879-9 - Ionosfera, Ondas gravitacionais - BV FAPESP
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Study of Multiple Stratification and Propagation of Gravity Waves in the F-layer in low latitudes and equatorial region


This project aims to investigate the formation of ionospheric F layer multiple stratifications in low latitudes and equatorial region. The formation of a fourth stratification of the F layer (StF4) was observed in the American sector for the first time by the author of this project, using ionospheric soundings in Palmas (10.3°S, 48.3°W). However, there are still some subjects studied during the doctoral/postdoctoral that have not yet been published and others that were not addressed in the doctoral thesis. Among these subjects, we highlight the study of the F3/StF4 formation during quiet and disturbed periods, study of gravity waves/MSTIDs in the equatorial region/low latitudes, which may provide information for a better understanding of the mechanisms of formation of the StF4 layer, study through computational modeling of the initial physical conditions for the F3/StF4 formation and the role of the F3 layer in this process, in addition, a study behavior of the local TEC during the occurrence of stratifications (F3/StF4) in F-Region. In this sense, it is very important to continue the research begun in the doctorate/postdoctoral. This research project is a continuation of the postdoctoral project that was discontinued due to my hiring as a researcher professor at UNIVAP. For this reason, the postdoctoral project will be adapted for the regular research project. I would like to emphasize that it would be very important for me to continue my research with this project. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TARDELLI, A.; FAGUNDES, P. R.; PEZZOPANE, M.; PILLAT, V. G.. Longitudinal variations of the occurrence of F3 and F4 layers within the southern EIA and their dependence on solar cycle. Advances in Space Research, v. 69, n. 1, p. 59-70, . (18/09879-9, 19/09361-2)

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