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Biosphere-atmosphere interaction - Phase 2: cerrados and land use changes

Grant number: 02/09289-9
Support Opportunities:BIOTA-FAPESP Program - Thematic Grants
Duration: September 01, 2004 - September 30, 2009
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences
Principal Investigator:Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha
Grantee:Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha
Host Institution: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):06/50924-0 - Effect of climate changes on the productivity and offer of water: an investigation into the São Paulo agroecosystems, BP.DR
06/56863-3 - Isotopic composition in the fluxes of CO2 in the cerrado area (Vassununga State Park), BP.DR
06/53769-6 - Climatic extremes in the Southeast and Center-West of Brazil: the present climate and projections for the XXI Century, BP.MS
+ associated scholarships 05/57829-0 - Relationships between the extension and the form of forest clearing and the impacts on precipitation: a case study on the Cuiabá-Santarém Highway, BP.MS
05/57141-9 - Use of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in ecophysiological studies in the area of the stricto sensu Cerrado in the State of São Paulo, BP.IC
05/51190-8 - Seasonal dynamic of gas exchanges and of the hydric potential in arboreal species of a Cerrado sensu stricto in the Pé-de-gigante farmland, P.E. Vassununga, São Paulo, BP.MS
05/55011-0 - The control of the fluxes of surface energy in the formation of nebulosity: an investigation using measurements in flow towers, BP.IC - associated scholarships


The Brazillian savanna (Cerrado) is the primitive bioma covering from the Southeast Brazil to South/East borders of Amazonia, and its area has reduced to 20%, being concerned as one of the most threathened ecosystems worldwide. Whereas the Southeast Brasil was deforested in the 19th century, its current land use as agrosystems has little knowledge in terms of sustainability. As well, in Amazonia, escalating soybean production and logging occurs by several means due to increasing deforestation, thus threathening the savanna wetlands near Ilha do Bananal (the world largest fluvial island), a zone of abundant life and water resources. This project proposes to quantify the long term dynamics of water, energy and CO2 fluxes over dry Cerrado (in Southeast Brazil) and seasonally flooded Cerrados (ecotones) in Bananal Island, and over the agrosystems Sugar Cane and Eucaliptus. The main issues to be adressed are to characterize and compare the ecophysiological functionality, dependency of climate and water availability; patterns of CO2 sink and sources of the ecosystems. It will investigate the impact of land use changes on the hydrological and carbon cycle on the catchment (observationally) and regional (numerical models) scales. Ecological investigation will be pursued in paralell, namely those of studying the carbon exchanges and pathways on the water, C & N cycling using isotope studies. Physical-climate investigations will study the large scale climate variability and its influence on the surface fluxes (and v.v.). This proposal encompasses researchers and objectives of three different programs: (i) the Biota Fapesp Program, (ii) the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) and (iii) the La Plata River Basin Experiment (PLATEX/GEWEX). (AU)

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Scientific publications (17)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SAAD, SANDRA I.; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; SILVA DIAS, MARIA A. F.; ROSOLEM, RAFAEL. Can the Deforestation Breeze Change the Rainfall in Amazonia? A Case Study for the BR-163 Highway Region. Earth Interactions, v. 14, . (02/09289-9, 05/57829-0, 08/58120-3)
RODRIGO JOSÉ BOMBARDI; LEILA MARIA VÉSPOLI DE CARVALHO. Variabilidade do regime de monções sobre o Brasil: o clima presente e projeções para um cenário com 2xCO2 usando o modelo MIROC. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, v. 23, n. 1, p. 58-72, . (02/09289-9, 06/53769-6)
BRUNO, ROGÉRIO D.; ROCHA, HUMBERTO R. DA; FREITAS, HELBER C. DE; GOULDEN, MICHAEL L.; MILLER, SCOTT D.. Soil moisture dynamics in an eastern Amazonian tropical forest. Hydrological Processes, v. 20, n. 12, p. 2477-2489, . (02/09289-9)
DA SILVA, ANA ELIZABETHE; VESPOLI DE CARVALHO, LEILA M.. Large-scale index for South America Monsoon (LISAM). Atmospheric Science Letters, v. 8, n. 2, p. 51-57, . (05/56487-9, 02/09289-9)
MUZA‚ M.N.; DE CARVALHO‚ L.M.V.. Variabilidade intrasazonal e interanual de extremos na precipitação sobre o centro-sul da amazônia durante o verão austral. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, v. 21, n. 3a, p. 29-41, . (02/09289-9)
MUZA, MICHEL N.; CARVALHO, LEILA M. V.; JONES, CHARLES; LIEBMANN, BRANT. Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of Extreme Dry and Wet Events over Southeastern South America and the Subtropical Atlantic during Austral Summer. Journal of Climate, v. 22, n. 7, p. 1682-1699, . (02/09289-9)
CARVALHO, LEILA M. V.; TSONIS, ANASTASIOS A.; JONES, CHARLES; TSONIS, A; ELSNER, JB. On the spatiotemporal variability of the temperature anomaly field. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS IN GEOSCIENCES, v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (02/09289-9)
DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; MANZI, ANTONIO O.; CABRAL, OSVALDO M.; MILLER, SCOTT D.; GOULDEN, MICHAEL L.; SALESKA, SCOTT R.; COUPE, NATALIA R.; WOFSY, STEVEN C.; BORMA, LAURA S.; ARTAXO, P.; et al. Patterns of water and heat flux across a biome gradient from tropical forest to savanna in Brazil. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, v. 114, p. 8-pg., . (02/09289-9)
RESTREPO-COUPE, NATALIA; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; HUTYRA, LUCY R.; DA ARAUJO, ALESSANDRO C.; BORMA, LAURA S.; CHRISTOFFERSEN, BRADLEY; CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; DE CAMARGO, PLINIO B.; CARDOSO, FERNANDO L.; LOLA DA COSTA, ANTONIO C.; et al. What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux network. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v. 182, n. SI, p. 128-144, . (02/09289-9)
BORMA, L. S.; DA ROCHA, H. R.; CABRAL, O. M.; VON RANDOW, C.; COLLICCHIO, E.; KURZATKOWSKI, D.; BRUGGER, P. J.; FREITAS, H.; TANNUS, R.; OLIVEIRA, L.; et al. Atmosphere and hydrological controls of the evapotranspiration over a floodplain forest in the Bananal Island region, Amazonia. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, v. 114, . (02/09289-9)
DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; MANZI, ANTONIO O.; CABRAL, OSVALDO M.; MILLER, SCOTT D.; GOULDEN, MICHAEL L.; SALESKA, SCOTT R.; COUPE, NATALIA R.; WOFSY, STEVEN C.; BORMA, LAURA S.; ARTAXO, P.; et al. Patterns of water and heat flux across a biome gradient from tropical forest to savanna in Brazil. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, v. 114, . (02/09289-9)
KRUK, NADIANE SMAHA; VENDRAME, IRIA FERNADES; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO RIBEIRO; CHOU, SIN CHAN; CABRAL, OSVALDO. Downward longwave radiation estimates for clear and all-sky conditions in the Sertozinho region of So Paulo, Brazil. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, v. 99, n. 1-2, p. 115-123, . (02/09289-9)
CARVALHO, L. M. V.; TSONIS, A. A.; JONES, C.; ROCHA, H. R.; POLITO, P. S.. Anti-persistence in the global temperature anomaly field. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, v. 14, n. 6, p. 723-733, . (02/09289-9)
DANIELA MARIANO LOPES DA SILVA; JEAN PIERRE HENRY BALBAUD OMETTO; GRÉ DE ARAÚJO LOBO; WALTER DE PAULA LIMA; MARCOS AUGUSTO SCARANELLO; EDMAR MAZZI; HUMBERTO RIBEIRO DA ROCHA. Modificações no uso da terra podem alterar o transporte fluvial de carbono, nitrogênio e íons maiores?. Scientia Agricola, v. 64, n. 4, p. 317-324, . (02/09289-9)
BOMBARDI, RODRIGO J.; CARVALHO, LEILA M. V.. IPCC global coupled model simulations of the South America monsoon system. Climate Dynamics, v. 33, n. 7-8, p. 893-916, . (06/53769-6, 02/09289-9)
RESTREPO-COUPE, NATALIA; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; HUTYRA, LUCY R.; DA ARAUJO, ALESSANDRO C.; BORMA, LAURA S.; CHRISTOFFERSEN, BRADLEY; CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; DE CAMARGO, PLINIO B.; CARDOSO, FERNANDO L.; LOLA DA COSTA, ANTONIO C.; et al. What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux network. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v. 182, p. 17-pg., . (02/09289-9)
BORMA, L. S.; DA ROCHA, H. R.; CABRAL, O. M.; VON RANDOW, C.; COLLICCHIO, E.; KURZATKOWSKI, D.; BRUGGER, P. J.; FREITAS, H.; TANNUS, R.; OLIVEIRA, L.; et al. Atmosphere and hydrological controls of the evapotranspiration over a floodplain forest in the Bananal Island region, Amazonia. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, v. 114, p. 12-pg., . (02/09289-9)

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