Research Grants 18/15987-9 - Plasmônica, Espectroscopia Raman - BV FAPESP
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Frontiers and challenges of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)


The SERS effect (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) corresponds to an enhancement of the Raman signal which can reach 10 orders of magnitude and nowadays it finds numerous applications. It is a highly sensitive vibrational spectroscopy that allows the detection of adsorbed analytes in nanostructures that support surface plasmons, such as gold nanoparticles, and combines the advantages of chemical specificity, high sensitivity and surface selectivity.The current academic interests of Prof. Brolo are in the field of plasmonics, where the SERS effect is one of the branches. Prof. Brolo is currently the director of the Center for Advanced Materials and Related Technologies at the University of Victoria and chief of NanoTech BC. He recently organized the XIX International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS) in Victoria (2017) and is also co-organizer of the nanomaterial applications symposiums of the Chemistry Society of Canada and composes the Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Near Field Optics and Nanophotonics (2020 in Victoria). Prof. Brolo was awarded the Excellence in Research Award from the University of Victoria School of Science and the Craigdarroch Silver Medal for Excellence in Research (2012) and Excellence in Teaching at the University of Victoria Faculty of Science (2017). He has published 140 articles and his citations / index h are 6686/41 (Web of Science) and 9160/46 (Google Scholar).The Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy of IQUSP São Paulo had the opportunity to have the collaboration of Prof. Brolo on three occasions (2007, 2008 and 2014) when he participated in studies on observation of the SERS effect using transition metals, on the development of high performance SERS substrates and Raman spectroscopy on a single molecule basis, among other topics.Prof. Brolo, within the ELAP program - Emerging Leaders of the American Program, funded by the Canadian government, has brought to his laboratory postgraduate students from USP, Unicamp and UNESP-Araraquara. Today several of these scholars are researchers at State (USP and Unicamp) and Federal Universities (UFJF, UFRGS and UFF), with SERS spectroscopy as a research topic or tool. Currently we have new projects in SERS and new students, and the Prof. Brolo´s visit will be of extreme importance so that they can have the opportunity to discuss with a renowned researcher in their areas of expertise.The visit of Prof. Brolo will be 20 days and is scheduled to begin on September 13, 2018. This request is linked to the FAPESP 2016 / 21070-5 Thematic Project of LEM / IQUSP-Unicamp and the studies that will directly benefit from the arrival of Prof. Brolo are the responsibility of Profs. Drs. Dalva L.A. de Faria, Diego Pereira dos Santos, Marcia L. Temperini, Paola Corio and Romulo A. Ando.The goals of the visit for which this Foundation is requested to help is to expand and consolidate the fruitful collaboration we have with Prof. Brolo, evaluating joint projects and discussing new initiatives.In the period of his visit, Prof. Brolo will minister seminars that will be widely disseminated both in the internal community of IQUSP and outside it, will participate in discussions with students directly related to theirs research theme, will visit Unicamp collaborators for discussions and seminars, and will give guest lecture at the Symposium and Nanostructured Photonic Materials which will take place during the XVII Annual Meeting of SBPMat. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DOS SANTOS, DIEGO P.; TEMPERINI, MARCIA L. A.; BROLO, ALEXANDRE G.. Intensity Fluctuations in Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH, v. 52, n. 2, p. 456-464, . (18/15987-9, 16/21070-5)

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