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The hate writings: psychoanalysis and politics


In our day we live boundary conditions that collapse a time of thinking, instituting haste and passage to act. Fundamentalisms, fanaticisms, wars, coups and violence occupy the center of global news and experiences in the social bond. This book aims to raise a series of inquiries about contemporary manifestations of violence, in which hatred moves to the center of the scene. The production of the book The Hate Writings: Psychoanalysis and Politics began at the Fifth International Colloquium of Writing and Psychoanalysis and III Colloquium Psychoanalysis and Society: clinical, culture and politics held at the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo, from 28 to 30 of November, 2016, which effected the dialogue and the joint production of the Research Network of the Experience and the Laboratory of Psychoanalysis and society of IP-USP. The result was a meeting of researchers from 15 Postgraduate Programs in various areas, from 3 Brazilian states and 3 different countries, with the presence of 32 speakers and an opening conference attesting that the purpose of the meeting, which consisted in gathering the main research groups in psychoanalysis, active in Brazilian universities, around the debate on contemporary issues around hatred in various fields, was reached with great success.The book will follow the current discussions on the theme of hate and related phenomena such as: fundamentalism, fanaticism, wars, and violence within the perspective of the social bond. Its aim is to debate contemporary writings of hatred in various fields: clinic, culture, politics, arts, literature, philosophy, sociology, gender, etc.The organization and edition of these articles is an attempt to scandalize the times and produce debates between researchers that may result in a broader intervention in the social bond. Some fundamentalisms evoke sacred writings to justify extreme acts. The writing contains a scale between solution and violence. Solution because it can serve as a contour and pacification of something that remains symbolically inscribable. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, it can be thought of as something of a real that never ceases not to write and harasses the subject, in the attempt to produce something that represents it in the field of values, constituents of the discourse that makes social bond. But also violence, because it can intervene as an act of creation, disarranging shared solutions until then. A map plot - in a war settlement, for example - can make languages and customs disappear, imposing on the subjects the erasure of symbolic heritages. We have examples of this in different historical times. In this sense, its force is part of an original violence that insists, constituting a specific fragility of the speakers.Thus, the book presents a mapping of the cuttings and perspectives that characterize the researches in psychoanalysis on the subject of hate, distributed in twenty-two chapters, within three main axes of work. Part I, HATE AND WRITING OF EXPERIENCE, conceptualizes the experience of hatred and establishes its contemporary interfaces. Part II, HATE AND SEGREGATION, identifies the objects of hatred and modes of propagation in the public domain. Part III deals more directly with an embarrassing theme of the contemporary bond, HATE AND POLITICS. (AU)

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