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Identification and functional investigation of proteins that interact with Cdc42 and DUSP12 enzymes in human cells under conditions of genomic instability: a proteomic approach

Grant number: 18/01753-6
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: August 01, 2018 - March 31, 2021
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Genetics - Mutagenesis
Principal Investigator:Fábio Luis Forti
Grantee:Fábio Luis Forti
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Arthur Cassio de Lima Luna ; Lilian Cristina Russo Vieira


Since the last five years our laboratory investigates the participation of enzymes of the Rho GTPases and the dual-specificity phosphatase (DUSP) families in mechanisms of genomic stability maintenance that provide to the cells resistance and/or sensitivity to genotoxic agents. For example, we have shown the involvement of the DUSP3 (or VHR) in the repair of DNA damage induced by gamma ionizing radiation in tumor cells, including the identification of new protein targets/substrates for which this phosphatase could be acting to mediate genomic stability. In other cases we have shown that both the typical small GTPases RhoA and Rac1 are also mediating genomic stability through the DNA damage response pathway (DDR) acting indirectly on the phosphorylation of the Chk1/2 protein kinases and on the ³H2AX damage sensor, which lead to a lower proliferation and survival when defective cells for these GTPases are subjected to genotoxic stress by ultraviolet radiation. Surprisingly, the GTPase Cdc42 acts inversely, its superactivation leads to the greater sensitivity of tumor cells to genotoxic stress, that is, the mechanisms regulated by this enzyme are acting in opposite manner to DDR proteins. Cdc42 was previously described as a strictly cytosolic and/or membrane-associated enzyme with well-defined cytoskeletal regulatory functions, but Cdc42 may have unknown downstream protein effectors and/or regulators that would be correlating this enzyme with genomic stability mechanisms.Another dual phosphatase that we intend to investigate, due to the high homology of its catalytic domain with DUSP3 and the analogous biological functions they mediate, is the DUSP12 or hYVH1. This enzyme and its orthologs have already been implicated in several processes showing a cytoprotective effect in cells exposed to oxidative stress (through physical interaction with the heat shock protein HSP70), as well as their presence and influence in stress granules, particles containing mRNA, translation initiation factors and ribosomal particles, among others. However, what would be the protein targets or substrates of this phosphatase and the molecular mechanisms regulated by them are still open questions in this field.Although Cdc42 and DUSP12 are enzymes with totally different biochemical functions, they appear to be mediating similar biological functions in genomic instability induced by genotoxic agents that reduce cell proliferation. Thus, according to the previous experience of our group, this project proposes to answer the following hypotheses: 1º) what would be the protein partners and probable signaling pathways controlled by the GTPase Cdc42 under cellular conditions of genomic instability that would involve it in sensitizing tumor cells to genotoxic stress?; 2) what would be the enzymatic substrates and/or protein partners of the dual phosphatase DUSP12 under conditions of genomic instability promoted oxidative stress and/or genotoxic agents, for example, that would be responsible for the new or already known biological functions attributed to this enzyme?We intend to identify molecules that interact with these enzymes, to validate these interactions and to show that there may be precise and unknown molecular mechanisms involving them, physically and/or chemically, in mechanisms of genomic stability, and that perturbation on them would lead to cellular disorders under conditions of different types of stress. This research should be conducted in different human cell lines (transformed or not) specifically selected for each enzyme (Cdc42 and DUSP12), and the experimental approach should include basic techniques of: molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, proteomics, confocal fluorescence microscopy, bioinformatics, and others. Whit it we thus intend to show that GTPase-regulating cytoskeleton and tyrosine phosphatase enzymes might also be components of the complex functional network behind the difficult task of genomic maintenance. (AU)

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Scientific publications (11)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MONTEIRO, LUCAS FALCAO; FORTI, FABIO LUIS. Network analysis of DUSP12 partners in the nucleus under genotoxic stress. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, v. 197, p. 42-52, . (18/01753-6)
RUSSO, LILIAN CRISTINA; FARIAS, JESSICA OLIVEIRA; FORTI, FABIO LUIS. DUSP3 maintains genomic stability and cell proliferation through modulation of the NER pathway and cell cycle regulatory proteins. CELL CYCLE, v. 19, n. 12, . (17/16491-4, 15/03983-0, 18/01753-6)
FACHI, JOSE LUIS; FELIPE, JAQUELINE DE SOUZA; PRAL, LAIS PASSARIELLO; DA SILVA, BRUNA KARADI; CORREA, RENAN OLIVEIRA; PEREIRA DE ANDRADE, MIRELLA CRISTINY; DA FONSECA, DENISE MORAIS; BASSO, PAULO JOSE; SARAIVA CAMARA, NIELS OLSEN; DE SALES E SOUZA, ERICKA LORENNA; et al. Butyrate Protects Mice from Clostridium difficile-Induced Colitis through an HIF-1-Dependent Mechanism. CELL REPORTS, v. 27, n. 3, p. 750+, . (17/01451-7, 12/10653-9, 16/23142-3, 13/06810-4, 14/03002-7, 15/01507-7, 18/01753-6, 15/06134-4, 17/25679-7, 17/06577-9, 18/02208-1, 17/26366-2, 17/16280-3)
MAGALHAES, YULI T.; FARIAS, JESSICA O.; SILVA, LUIZ E.; FORTI, FABIO L.. GTPases, genome, actin: A hidden story in DNA damage response and repair mechanisms. DNA Repair, v. 100, . (18/01753-6, 17/16491-4, 15/03983-0, 17/01451-7)
MAGALHAES, YULI T.; SILVA, GISELE E. T.; OSAKI, JULIANA H.; ROCHA, CLARISSA R. R.; FORTI, FABIO L.. RHOAming Through the Nucleotide Excision Repair Pathway as a Mechanism of Cellular Response Against the Effects of UV Radiation. FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, v. 8, . (11/05822-3, 10/09453-0, 18/01753-6, 15/03983-0, 10/20506-8, 17/01451-7)
DE LIMA LUNA, ARTHUR CASSIO; FORTI, FABIO LUIS. Modulation of SCD1 activity in hepatocyte cell lines: evaluation of genomic stability and proliferation. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, v. 476, n. 9, p. 3393-3405, . (18/01753-6, 17/12775-8)
PEREIRA, NADINE RANIERI; RUSSO, LILIAN CRISTINA; FORTI, FABIO LUIS. UV Radiation-induced Impairment of Cellular Morphology and Motility is Enhanced by DUSP3/VHR Loss and FAK Activation. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, v. 79, n. 2, . (15/03983-0, 18/01753-6)
SILVA, LUIZ E.; SOUZA, RENAN C.; KITANO, EDUARDO S.; MONTEIRO, LUCAS F.; IWAI, LEO K.; FORTI, FABIO L.. Proteomic and Interactome Approaches Reveal PAK4, PHB-2, and 14-3-3 eta as Targets of Overactivated Cdc42 in Cellular Responses to Genomic Instability. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, v. 18, n. 10, p. 3597-3614, . (13/07467-1, 18/01753-6)
DA SILVA, LUIZ EDUARDO; RUSSO, LILIAN CRISTINA; FORTI, FABIO LUIS. Overactivated Cdc42 acts through Cdc42EP3/Borg2 and NCK to trigger DNA damage response signaling and sensitize cells to DNA-damaging agents. Experimental Cell Research, v. 395, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (15/03983-0, 18/01753-6)
MAGALHAES, YULI T.; CARDELLA, GIOVANNA D.; FORTI, FABIO L.. Exoenzyme C3 transferase lowers actin cytoskeleton dynamics, genomic stability and survival of malignant melanoma cells under UV-light stress. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, v. 209, . (17/01451-7, 19/05736-1, 15/03983-0, 18/01753-6)
RUSSO, LILIAN C.; FERRUZO, PAULT Y. M.; FORTI, FABIO L.. Nucleophosmin Protein Dephosphorylation by DUSP3 Is a Fine-Tuning Regulator of p53 Signaling to Maintain Genomic Stability. FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, v. 9, . (18/01753-6, 15/03983-0)

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