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Challenges for biodiversity conservation facing climate changes, pollution, land use and occupation (PDIp)

Grant number: 17/50341-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - State Research Institutes Modernization Program
Duration: June 01, 2018 - February 28, 2025
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Botany
Principal Investigator:Luiz Mauro Barbosa
Grantee:Luiz Mauro Barbosa
Host Institution: Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais (IPA). Secretaria de Meio Ambiente, Infraestrutura e Logística (São Paulo - Estado). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Armando Reis Tavares ; Carla Ferragut ; Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo ; Catarina Carvalho Nievola ; Claudio José Barbedo ; Cynthia Fernandes Pinto da Luz ; Denise de Campos Bicudo ; Inês Cordeiro ; Luce Maria Brandão Torres ; Marcia Regina Braga ; Marília Gaspar Maïs ; Marisa Domingos ; Mutue Toyota Fujii
Associated grant(s):21/07978-2 - Human impact on tropical taxonomic, genetic, phytochemical, and plant-insect interactions diversity, AP.JP
20/00860-3 - Maintenance of divergent morphologies in sympatry: the case of the intertidal red alga Hypnea pseudomusciformis, AP.R SPRINT
20/09124-8 - Multiuser equipment approved in grant 2017/50341-0: Ion chromatograph, AP.EMU
19/08783-0 - Functional forests: biodiversity in the benefit of cities, AP.JP
19/02903-4 - Multi-user equipament approved in grant 2017/50341-0: IRGA infrared gas analyser (MOD. LI-6800 portable photosynthesis system), AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):23/09303-8 - Pollen morphology of Asteraceae from Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga as a contribution to studies of Paleovegetation and Paleoclimate, BP.TT
23/10169-4 - Pollen morphology of Arecaceae, Cabombaceae, Haloragaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Nymphaeaceae, and Simaroubaceae from the Fontes do Ipiranga State Park as a contribution to paleovegetation and paleoclimate studies, BP.IC
22/07513-2 - Reproductive biology and seed quality of Nidularium minutum Mez, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 22/07467-0 - Effect of climate change on flower bud formation in Nidularium minutum Mez., an endangered endemic bromeliad, BP.IC
22/07568-1 - Synthesis of antioxidant compounds against heavy metal stress in native Atlantic Forest species of different life habits, BP.IC
22/08479-2 - Effect of increasing temperature on algal biomass and richness in periphyton under controlled environmental conditions, BP.IC
22/08869-5 - Genomic annotation and expression profile of drought responsive genes in acanthostachys pitcairnioides, BP.IC
22/07240-6 - Optimization of carbohydrate and secondary metabolite analysis in plants subjected to environmental stressors, BP.TT
20/11908-7 - Comparative genomics of the two species of the genus Acanthostachys (Bromeliaceae): evolution of drought tolerance mechanisms, BP.PD
20/04210-3 - Seed conservation: seed physiology and pathology for seed banks, BP.PD
19/19611-6 - Effects of temperature increase and water suspension on androgametophyte development and seed production of Nidularium minutum Mez. (Bromeliaceae), BP.IC
19/16956-2 - Characterization and certification of type specimens and scientific collections of seaweeds from Brazil using multigene barcoding approach, BP.PD
18/20557-3 - Relation between the tolerance of native species of the Atlantic Forest and the contamination by heavy metals in the biosphere reserve of the Green Belt in São Paulo-SP, BP.PD
19/09237-0 - Exploring the impact of climatic changes in the Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde of São Paulo through distribution modelling with species of Euphorbiaceae, BP.PD
19/03105-4 - Effect of different concentrations of copper on growth and development of tree native species from Atlantic Forest, BP.MS
19/03001-4 - Levels of tolerance of species of the Atlantic Forest to the excess of metals and elevation of the temperature, BP.MS
18/26686-0 - Evaluation of phytoplankton and epipelon responses to different restoration techniques of the eutrophic ecosystems, BP.DR
18/23399-0 - Changes in diatom assemblies in the face of climatic and environmental changes during glacial and interglacial cycles in an Atlantic Forest region located in an urban area, BP.PD
18/18896-4 - Time series of algae community alterations in urban reservoirs: explanatory and predictive models in response to eutrophication and climatic changes., BP.PD
18/13992-5 - Effects of water availability and temperature increase on pollen grains of Bromeliaceae from São Paulo Metropolitan Region Green Belt biosphere reserve, BP.DR
18/13529-3 - Involvement of nitro-oxidative metabolism, abscisic acid and aquaporins in short-term responses and recovery to drought in the epiphytic bromeliad Acanthostachys strobilacea (Schult. & Schult.f.) Klotzsch, BP.DR
18/18077-3 - Characterization of the metabolic profile of native species of Atlantic Forest exposed to environmental stressors, BP.DR - associated scholarships


The Plan of Research Development presented by the Institute of Botany (PDIP-IBt) aims, through advanced technical-scientific studies, to evaluate the impact of anthropic actions and climate changes on urban and peri-urban forests, in order to propose and/or validate predictive models for the biodiversity conservation and restoration of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the State of São Paulo. To achieve this goal, the IBt needs to promote greater integration of its technical staff, modernize its institutional infrastructure and increase its capacity for technological innovation, as well as invest in human resources training. The reference area selected for the study is the São Paulo Green Belt Biosphere Reserve (RBCV-SP), reconized by UNESCO in 1993 and of great importance for the State of São Paulo because it includes remnants of Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, urban natural parks, state reserves, ecological stations, areas of protection of freshwater and wildlife and urban areas. The proposal foresees the accomplishment of observational and experimental diagnoses, in two scales (ecosystems/communities; populations/species), focusing on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems present in RBCV-SP. The results obtained in the observational diagnoses will support the experimental studies, and the obtained results will support the proposition/validation of predictive models of changes in the biodiversity facing environmental stressors associated to the land use and occupation, to give support to proposed actions for education and public communication of science. The results will also contribute to actions related to public policies of the State Secretary for the Environment, helping to establish parameters to facilitate planning, evaluation, monitoring and environmental licensing. They will also provide subsidies to the municipalities of São Paulo in the fulfillment of biodiversity conservation plans of the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, in the actions of recovery of springs and environment and in the actions of environmental education. The PDIP-IBt also aims to increase our capacity for cooperation with other research institutions and companies, sharing human, and infrastructure resources, as well as obtaining new sources of financial support, in line with the priorities of the state and national policies of science, technology and innovation. Ali these actions will be made possible by the effective fulfillment of the goals proposed for the IBt Center for Technological innovation. Thus, PDIP-IBt is aligned with the government's demand for modernization of the research infrastructure for Science and Technology of the São Paulo State, the new federal and state Science, Technology and Innovation policies, which aim to stimulate development of research, scientific capacity-building and technological innovation. (AU)

Articles published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the research grant:
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Publicações científicas (43)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
AMARAL, LUYZA MAYARY; DE ALMEIDA CASTILHO, MARIA CAROLINA; HENRY, RAOUL; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Epipelon, phytoplankton and zooplankton responses to the experimental oligotrophication in a eutrophic shallow reservoir. Environmental Pollution, v. 263, n. A, . (17/50341-0)
CARVALHO, VICTORIA; GASPAR, MARILIA; NIEVOLA, CATARINAC. hort-term drought triggers defence mechanisms faster than ABA accumulation in the epiphytic bromeliad Acanthostachys strobilace. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 160, p. 62-72, . (18/13529-3, 17/50341-0)
CAMILA RIVERO ALONSO; CLAUDIO JOSÉ BARBEDO. Germinações sucessivas em sementes de Eugenia spp.. Hoehnea, v. 47, . (17/50341-0)
INOCENTE, MARIANE CRISTINA; BARBEDO, CLAUDIO JOSE. Germination of Eugenia brasiliensis, E. involucrata, E. pyriformis, and E-uniflora (Myrtaceae) under water-deficit conditions. JOURNAL OF SEED SCIENCE, v. 41, n. 1, p. 76-85, . (17/50341-0)
SIQUEIRA, MATHEUS CASARINI; KANASHIRO, SHOEY; DOMINGOS, MARISA; RINALDI, MIRIAN CILENE SPASIANI; TAVARES, ARMANDO REIS. Physiological and biochemical changes in tree seedlings growing in urban forest soil contaminated with copper in Sao Paulo, Brazil. PLANT AND SOIL, v. 464, n. 1-2, p. 149-163, . (17/50341-0, 19/03105-4)
SIQUEIRA, MATHEUS CASARINI; KANASHIRO, SHOEY; DOMINGOS, MARISA; SPASIANI RINALDI, MIRIAN CILENE; TAVARES, ARMANDO REIS. The Dynamics of Macro- and Micronutrients in Naive Tree Species Affected by Copper Contamination. Floresta e Ambiente, v. 28, n. 4, . (17/50341-0, 19/03105-4)
AMAIS, RENATA S.; MOREAU, PEDRO S.; FRANCISCHINI, DANIELLE S.; MAGNUSSON, RAFAEL; LOCOSSELLI, GIULIANO M.; GODOY-VEIGA, MILENA; CECCANTINI, GREGORIO; RODRIGUEZ, DAIGARD R. ORTEGA; TOMAZELLO-FILHO, MARIO; ARRUDA, MARCO A. Z.. Trace elements distribution in tropical tree rings through high-resolution imaging using LA-ICP-MS analysis. JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, v. 68, . (19/24445-8, 20/09251-0, 13/21728-2, 17/50085-3, 18/22914-8, 18/25207-0, 15/25511-3, 18/23478-7, 19/08783-0, 19/00063-9, 17/50341-0, 19/00018-3, 19/05174-3)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; BICUDO, DENISE C.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.; LEDRU, MARIE-PIERRE; ECTOR, LUC; WETZEL, CARLOS E.. Pseudostaurosira crateri sp. nov. (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta), a new small araphid, fossil diatom species from the Pleistocene (Atlantic Forest, Brazil). PHYTOTAXA, v. 496, n. 2, p. 105-120, . (17/50341-0, 13/50297-0)
ISABELA PEDRONI AMORIM; JOÃO PAULO NALDI SILVA; CLAUDIO JOSÉ BARBEDO. Germination and regeneration of Eugenia involucrata (Myrtaceae) seeds correlated with reactive oxygen species. JOURNAL OF SEED SCIENCE, v. 45, . (17/50341-0)
SOARES, LUANDA PEREIRA; DIAZ-TAPIA, PILAR; DURAN, ALAIN; FUJII, MUTUE TOYOTA; COLLADO-VIDES, LIGIA. Digenea nana sp. nov. (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta), a new turf-forming, coral reef species from the Western Tropical Atlantic. PHYCOLOGIA, v. 61, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (17/50341-0)
DE LIMA ARAUJO, HENRIQUE CESAR; MARTINS, FELLIPE SILVA; PHILIPPI CORTESE, TATIANA TUCUNDUVA; LOCOSSELLI, GIULIANO MASELLI. Artificial intelligence in urban forestry-A systematic review. URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING, v. 66, p. 11-pg., . (19/08783-0, 20/09251-0, 17/50341-0)
MANFRA, RODRIGO; MASSOCA, MIRIAM DOS SANTOS; URAS, PRISCILLA MARTINS CERQUEIRA; CAVALARI, ALINE ANDREIA; LOCOSSELLI, GIULIANO MASELLI. Average height of surrounding buildings and district age are the main predictors of tree failure on the streets of Sa tilde o Paulo/Brazil. URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING, v. 74, p. 8-pg., . (20/06694-8, 19/08783-0, 17/50341-0, 20/09251-0)
SOARES, LUANDA PEREIRA; GUIMARAES, SILVIA M. P. B.; FUJII, MUTUE TOYOTA. Molecular assessment of specimens previously assigned to Cirrulicarpus (Kallymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) in Brazil, with the description of Meredithia dichotoma sp. nov.. PHYCOLOGIA, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (17/50341-0)
VÍVIAN TAMAKI; NELSON AUGUSTO DOS SANTOS JUNIOR; JANAINA PINHEIRO COSTA; WALDYR BAPTISTA; YOSHITO SHIDOMI; ROGÉRIO MAMORU SUZUKI. Propagation of two epiphytic Cactaceae for relocation to an urban protected area of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil. Rodriguésia, v. 74, . (17/50341-0)
COSTA, RENATA APARECIDA; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Epipelon biomass responses to different restoration techniques in a eutrophic environment. Environmental Management, v. 72, n. 3, p. 14-pg., . (18/26686-0, 17/50341-0)
MIYAHARA, AUGUSTO AKIO LUCCHEZI; SANTOS, DENNER RODRIGUES DOS; PAGIN-CL, FILIPE; SILVA, GLEDSON JULIO DA; BERTOLETI, ISABELLA APARECIDA FONSECA; SILVA, JULIANA LEANDRO DA; CANDIDO, LETICIA FIGUEIREDO; SIQUEIRA, MATHEUS CASARINI; SILVA, RAPHAELA PERES; RACANELLI, YOLANDA RAFAELA; et al. Urban dendrochronology toolkit for evidence-based decision-making on climate risk, cultural heritage, environmental pollution, and tree management-A systematic review. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, v. 137, p. 12-pg., . (17/50085-3, 20/06694-8, 20/14163-2, 21/09686-9, 20/09251-0, 17/50341-0, 19/08783-0)
SANTOS, CAMILLA ALVES; MORO, CAMILA FERNANDES; SALGADO, IONE; BRAGA, MARCIA REGINA; GASPAR, MARILIA. Noncoding RNAs responsive to nitric oxide and their protein-coding gene targets shed light on root hair formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, v. 13, p. 13-pg., . (11/13220-3, 20/11908-7, 17/50341-0, 19/15095-3)
WESTPHALEN, MAURO C.; MOTATO-VASQUEZ, VIVIANA; RAJCHENBERG, MARIO; TOMSOVSKY, MICHAL; GUGLIOTTA, ADRIANA M.; BORGES DA SILVEIRA, ROSA MARA. New insights on Flaviporus (Polyporales) in the neotropics. MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS, v. 21, n. 12, p. 16-pg., . (17/50341-0)
CARNEIRO, RUAN DE OLIVEIRA; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Simulating oligotrophication in a eutrophic shallow lake to assess the effect of periphyton bioreactor on phytoplankton and epipelon. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (17/50341-0)
CARVALHO, VICTORIA; GASPAR, MARILIA; NIEVOLA, CATARINAC. Short-term drought triggers defence mechanisms faster than ABA accumulation in the epiphytic bromeliad Acanthostachys strobilacea. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 160, p. 11-pg., . (17/50341-0, 18/13529-3)
MATHEUS CASARINI SIQUEIRA; SHOEY KANASHIRO; MARISA DOMINGOS; MIRIAN CILENE SPASIANI RINALDI; ARMANDO REIS TAVARES. The Dynamics of Macro- and Micronutrients in Native Tree Species Affected by Copper Contamination. Floresta e Ambiente, v. 28, n. 4, . (19/03105-4, 17/50341-0)
MARIANE CRISTINA INOCENTE; CLAUDIO JOSÉ BARBEDO. Germinação de sementes de Eugenia brasiliensis, E. involucrata, E. pyriformis e E. uniflora (Myrtaceae) submetidas a condição de déficit hídrico. JOURNAL OF SEED SCIENCE, v. 41, n. 1, p. 76-85, . (17/50341-0)
WESTPHALEN, MAURO C.; MOTATO-VASQUEZ, VIVIANA. A new species of Pseudolagarobasidium from Brazil and new insights on Cerrena (Basidiomycota, Cerrenaceae). PHYTOTAXA, v. 555, n. 2, p. 10-pg., . (17/50341-0, 16/10031-9)
GONZALEZ-HOURCADE, MARIA; BRAGA, MARCIA R.; DEL CAMPO, EVA M.; ASCASO, CARMEN; PATINO, CRISTINA; CASANO, LEONARDO M.. Ultrastructural and biochemical analyses reveal cell wall remodelling in lichen-forming microalgae submitted to cyclic desiccation-rehydration. ANNALS OF BOTANY, v. 125, n. 3, p. 459-469, . (17/50341-0)
DOS SANTOS, VALERIA LEOBINA; DAS GRACAS LAPA WANDERLEY, MARIA; VERSIEUX, LEONARDO M.; PINTO DA LUZ, CYNTHIA FERNANDES. Pollen morphology of Brazilian species of Vriesea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae). GRANA, v. 59, n. 2-3, . (17/50341-0, 13/22881-9)
WESTPHALEN, MAURO C.; MOTATO-VASQUEZ, VIVIANA; TOMSOVSKY, MICHAL; GUGLIOTTA, ADRIANA M.. Additions to the knowledge of hydnoid Steccherinaceae: Cabalodontia, Etheirodon, Metuloidea, and Steccherinum. Mycologia, v. 113, n. 4, p. 791-806, . (17/50341-0, 16/10031-9)
INOCENTE, MARIANE CRISTINA; BARBEDO, CLAUDIO JOSE. Regeneração de raízes e plântulas em sementes de Eugenia involucrata sob déficit hídrico. JOURNAL OF SEED SCIENCE, v. 43, . (17/50341-0)
PINTO DA LUZ, CYNTHIA FERNANDES; BARBUGLIO-SANTIAGO, LIA DE OLIVEIRA; SIMOES, ANA RITA G.; DA SILVA, JONATHAN HENRIQUE; DOS SANTOS, VALERIA LEOBINA; KIRIZAWA, MIZUE. Pollen morphology of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) from the Atlantic Forest in southeast Brazil (Sao Paulo) with a contribution to the systematics of Neotropical species. GRANA, v. 59, n. 4, . (17/50341-0)
GONZALEZ-HOURCADE, MARIA; DEL CAMPO, EVA M.; BRAGA, MARCIA R.; SALGADO, ANTONIO; CASANO, LEONARDO M.. Disentangling the role of extracellular polysaccharides in desiccation tolerance in lichen-forming microalgae. First evidence of sulfated polysaccharides and ancient sulfotransferase genes. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, v. 22, n. 8, . (17/50341-0)
DOS SANTOS, VALERIA LEOBINA; NIEVOLA, CATARINA CARVALHO; FIDALGO, ADRIANA DE OLIVEIRA; KANASHIRO, SHOEY; LAPA WANDERLEY, MARIA DAS GRACAS; CABRAL GOMES, EDUARDO PEREIRA; PINTO DA LUZ, CYNTHIA FERNANDES. Floral morphology and pollen viability of an endangered and endemic Bromeliaceae species from the Atlantic Forest. GRANA, v. 60, n. 5, p. 327-346, . (17/50341-0, 18/13992-5)
MARQUARDT, GISELE C.; BICUDO, DENISE C.; DE BICUDO, CARLOS E. M.; LEDRU, MARIE-PIERRE; ECTOR, LUC; WETZEL, CARLOS E.. Planothidium scrobiculatum sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new monoraphid diatom from freshwater Pleistocene deposits of South America. Fottea, v. 21, n. 1, p. 53-61, . (17/50341-0, 13/50297-0)
BORGES, MICHELA; PETTI, MONICA A., V; FUKUDA, MARCELO, V; CASSANO, VALERIA; FUJII, MUTUE T.; AMARAL, A. CECILIA Z.. Marine planktonic and benthic organisms: an ocean of diversity in the collections of the State of Sao Paulo. Biota Neotropica, v. 22, p. 11-pg., . (19/12551-8, 14/15168-7, 17/50341-0, 18/10313-0)
RAYANA DE SÁ MARTINS; NELSON AUGUSTOS DOS SANTOS JUNIOR; CLAUDIO JOSÉ BARBEDO. Seed pathology of non-domesticated species of tropical ecosystems. JOURNAL OF SEED SCIENCE, v. 44, . (17/50341-0, 20/04210-3)
MIYAHARA, AUGUSTO AKIO LUCCHEZI; WILD, TOM; SANDRE, ADRIANA AFONSO; PELLEGRINO, PAULO RENATO MESQUITA; DA SILVA FILHO, CARLOS ALBERTO; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA; LOCOSSELLI, GIULIANO MASELLI. Developing and classifying urban biomes as a basis for nature-based solutions. URBAN CLIMATE, v. 45, p. 14-pg., . (19/08783-0, 17/50341-0, 20/09251-0)
DA LUZ, CYNTHIA FERNANDES PINTO; SANTOS, VALERIA LEOBINA DOS; SILVA, GISELE DE OLIVEIRA; WANDERLEY, MARIA DAS GRACAS LAPA. Pollen morphology of selected Brazilian species of Abolboda Humb. et Bonpl. (Xyridaceae): a statistical approach. GRANA, v. N/A, p. 17-pg., . (17/50341-0, 13/22881-9)
FERNANDES, MARIANA; GUGLIOTTA, ADRIANA DE MELLO. Trametes neovillosa (Polyporaceae), a new name for the later homonym Trametes pavonia (Hook.) Ryvarden. PHYTOTAXA, v. 591, n. 1, p. 3-pg., . (17/50341-0)
CARNEIRO, RUAN DE OLIVEIRA; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Periphyton responses to enrichment and nutrient dilution in two mesocosm experiments in a shallow hypereutrophic reservoir. LIMNETICA, v. 42, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (17/50341-0)
AMARAL, LUYZA MAYARY; DE ALMEIDA CASTILHO, MARIA CAROLINA; HENRY, RAOUL; FERRAGUT, CARLA. Epipelon, phytoplankton and zooplankton responses to the experimental oligotrophication in a eutrophic shallow reservoir. Environmental Pollution, v. 263, p. 10-pg., . (17/50341-0)
ALINE TESTONI CÉCEL; CLAUDIO JOSÉ BARBEDO. Storage of recalcitrant seeds of Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. under control of water availability. JOURNAL OF SEED SCIENCE, v. 45, . (17/50341-0)
MARIANA FERNANDES; ADRIANA DE MELLO GUGLIOTTA; DANIELE SANTANA DA SILVA; RICARDO MATHEUS PIRES. Fungos trametoides (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Hoehnea, v. 51, . (17/50341-0)
LUYZA MAYARY AMARAL; RUAN DE OLIVEIRA CARNEIRO; CARLA FERRAGUT. Efeitos das mudanças na estequiometria de N e P sobre a clorofila-a do epipélon e do fitoplâncton em condição eutrófica. Hoehnea, v. 51, . (17/50341-0)

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