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A new generation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS): decentralized and recycling alternatives for the security of water-energy-food nexus

Grant number: 17/21940-2
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: May 01, 2018 - April 30, 2020
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Sanitary Engineering - Environmental Sanitation
Principal Investigator:Eduardo Mario Mendiondo
Grantee:Eduardo Mario Mendiondo
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil


In Brazil, most natural disasters are associated with extreme events, both precipitation and drought, and with the future scenario of climate change these events tend to become more frequent. Thus, urban drainage systems capable of reducing the flows to the receiving bodies are required. In this sense, the use of SUDS facilities becomes a promising alternative to classical systems. Several studies have been conducted internationally to evaluate their performance, but most of them have been analyzed either qualitatively or quantitatively, isolated. Moreover, evaluating the possibility of using these devices as a means of recycling and harvest resources, at the field scale, is still a new conceptual framework to be developed. In this way, this research has as main objective to present a new theoretical-experimental approach of the use of SUDS facilities, inserting a new classification based on the extreme to be mitigated and its final objective (TCs-1G - excess of urbanization, TCs-2G - excess of urbanization and climate change, 3G-TCs - incorporating resource recycling). The experimental approach will be given to 3G-TCs, aiming the urban harvesting of resources that composed the water-energy-food nexus, by doing the reuse of stored water for future multiple uses, nutrient cycling and energy reuse. The qualitative and quantitative efficiency of these devices and their contribution to making cities more resilient will also be investigated. The methodology of the research follows six main steps: (1) study of the area and implantation, (2) adaptation of sizing method for TC-3G, (3) qualitative and quantitative monitoring of bioretention device at different scales of application, (4) hydrological modeling and simulation of macrodrainage scenarios, (5) evaluation of system performance, from new coefficients, and (6) system maintenance. In general, it is expected that the use of decentralized TCs-3G at different scales will reduce the contribution of runoff downstream of the system and the diffuse pollution flushed, combined with the recycling of resources. Thus, these systems will contribute to avoid urban floods and collaborate for water-energy-food security in resilient subtropical cities. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GOMES JR, MARCUS NOBREGA; GIACOMONI, MARCIO HOFHEINZ; DE MACEDO, MARINA BATALINI; DO LAGO, CESAR AMBROGI FERREIRA; BRASIL, JOSE ARTUR TEIXEIRA; DE OLIVEIRA, THALITA RAQUEL PEREIRA; MENDIONDO, EDUARDO MARIO. A Modeling Framework for Bioretention Analysis: Assessing the Hydrologic Performance under System Uncertainty. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING, v. 28, n. 9, p. 20-pg., . (18/20865-0, 17/21940-2, 14/50848-9)
TAFFARELLO, D.; BITTAR, M. S.; SASS, K. S.; CALIJURI, M. C.; CUNHA, D. G. F.; MENDIONDO, E. M.. Ecosystem service valuation method through grey water footprint in partially-monitored subtropical watersheds. Science of The Total Environment, v. 738, . (18/22195-1, 14/50848-9, 17/21940-2)

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