Young Investigators Grants (JP-FAPESP) - Research Supported by FAPESP
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icone de auxilios Young Investigators Grants (JP-FAPESP)

The purpose of the Young Investigators Grants in Emerging Research Institutions (JP-FAPESP) program is to enable the consolidation of research lines initiated by FAPESP Young Researcher grantees, as a support to the continuity of a research group created and the development of chosen themes. The Program aims to strengthen Researcher's independence and the newly created group excellence.

This Program Phase 2 (JP2) aims to consolidate research lines initiated by FAPESP Young Researcher (JP) grantees, as a support to the continuity of a research group created and the development of chosen themes.

Research grants
Scholarships in Brazil
Virtual Library in numbers * Updated data on February 01, 2025
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